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BACKUP Exec 12.5 job run time does not match actual backup time

Not applicable
Just installed new installation of Backup Exec 12.5  . 

The backup job said it ran for 15 hours last two nights.  It backed up 33,484,284,632 bytes at 405mb/min

According to the job log if you add up the backup time of all the sessions on the tape it comes to 1.6 hours and 8 minutes for the verifies.  The single backup job is backing up exchange, a couple of sql databases and files.  Everything else i look at all add up to the backup job only taking 1.6 hours (started at 7:00pm and last session ended at 8:38pm)  to run but the job ran from 7:00pm to 9:15am the next morning.  I can't see anywhere of what it was doing for all that extra time?  I turned off verify and it didn't make a sense.

There were no errors on the job or on the tape/drive

Anyone have any ideas of what's going on?  Its an LTO3 drive by the way and the server is backing up itself and another local server.


Level 6
I guess you have selected the option to eject media after the job completes . when have this option selected it gives an alert to remove the medai from the drive and untill you clear this alert the job would not say successful. You can set this aler to automatically respond from tools \ otpion | aler catagoires
Let me know if this answeres your queries