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BE CPS Size Limitation?

Level 2
I have cps installed on a server that is continuously protecting around 260Gig. I have 8 seperate jobs setup to synch the data. 2 jobs cover around 75 gig each, and 2 around 40 gig each, the other 4 are relatively small. All told, there are around 750,000 files, none of which are database files. All documents, pictures, and pdf's.

I have problems with the 2 biggest jobs not synching at all from time to time, unless I restart the cps services on the source server. The 6 smaller jobs never have a problem (that I see).

My question is: Is there a limit to how much data cps can continually protect? Maybe number of files? Number of jobs?

The servers are HP 1TB Storage servers with some speed core duo's, and 2 gig of ram.