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BE Server fails to start after hotfix

Level 3
After LiveUpdate installed a hotfix, the system was rebooted. After reboot BE Server fails to start.
The application log contains the following entry:

Faulting application beserver.exe, version 11.0.7170.27, faulting module mscoree.dll, version 2.0.50727.832, fault address 0x000302da.

and the system log:

Application popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library : Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\beserver.exe

Any ideas?

To circumvent the problem I installed BE on another server and tried to move the BE database etc from the old server using This did not work. Also on the new server BE server will not start. After uninstalling BE and installing it again on the new server but without using the old BE database everything is OK, but now I miss my cataloges, media sett information,  tape library configuration, etc.

Anyone able to help me getting BE to work again, or to move the catalogues and other information to the new server in a different way? 







Level 6
On the original server try running a repair of .NET 2.0.  If that does not help uninstall and re-install .NET 2.0.

Level 3
Tried uninstalling .Net 2 and installing it again, but no luck.
The system log reports:

Application popup: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library : Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\beserver.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

Please contact the application's support team for more information.

No errors in the application log
Noticed that the process beserver.exe uses 20-50% of CPU and uses 70-90k memory (variable)

Would opening a case at symantec support help?


Message Edited by Jos Kogeler on 01-28-2008 02:21 PM

Level 6
I had another customer that had the same problem still present after uninstalling/reinstalling .NET 2.0 we fixed the problem by uninstalling .NET 1.1 and 2.0 then re-installing both of them.  You can open a support case on the issue but they may tell you the same thing.

But before doing that, give this technote a shot.
Mainly the registry key at the buttom of the technote.

Level 3
Sorry, but still no success
When running BEServer.exe  -console I got the following output on screen:
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
Sorted: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
MSGQ Data File: 0: msgq0000000000.dat
the file BESERVER.TXT created is empty
I also checked the registry (Regedt32). The specified key does exist and has the correct value.
After that I removed .NET 2 and .NET3 (no .NET1 present on the server)
rebooted server
Installed .NET 2.0
Tried to start but error:
Could no start the Backup Exec service on Local Computer. Error 1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
In the system log: EventID 7022: The Backup Exec Server service hung on starting.
Articles in the BE kb suggests setting Outlook as the default mail program when this error occurs, but Outlook already is the default.
Installed .NET 3.0
tried to start but still no success
Now an ASP.NET error in application event log

Application information:

Application domain: ddb4f8ac7aea4316b38b7d8e2689af78-2-128461986594013832

Trust level: Full

Application Virtual Path: /CRF

Application Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\CRF\ddb4f8ac7aea4316b38b7d8e2689af78\

I checked the regsitry again but the Software\Symantec\CRF key still exists and has the correct value.

I seem to go round and round in circles. HELP!

(PS. Still wondering if the problem is the BE setup or some currupt setting in BE. Remember On the othe server BE runs OK, but not when I import the data and settings from the current server)

Level 3
Smiley Happy  I signed a support agreement with Symantec and opened a support case. The final solution was quite simple. It was a corrupt database. To solve it, go to the BE program folder and run BEutility.exe. Rightclick on your mediaserver and run a restore of the database (not repair).  MONEY WELL SPENT

Message Edited by Jos Kogeler on 02-05-2008 04:46 AM