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BE12.5 Remote Agent Questions

Level 2

I am running BE 12.5 on W2008 and BE2010R3 on W2003 to separate Tapes..

I would like to combine both backups to a USB Drive on the W2008 machine, so I believe that I need to install a remote agent on the W2003 system.

Alternatively, can BE2010R3 act as an agent for the BE12.5 system? If so, how?

If not, and I just run the 12.5 agent, do I need an additional license for the agent?

Also, can a BE12.5 Agent coexist with BE2010R3 on W2003?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Employee Accredited Certified

BE is backward compatible, so BE12.5 agent can work with BE2010 R3 media server but it will

not work other way around. Also agents of different version cannot be installed on the same server.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Hi Eckers,

Is there any particular reason for using two versions of BE in the same environment?

Why can't you upgrade your total environment to BE 2010 R3?


Level 6

A comment about Amol's answer

A 2010 media server shuold be able to see and communicate with a 12.5 RAWS, but you woule be outside of Symantec's licensing policy to run this configuration in a production environment