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BE2010: View Resources - Connection with server failed. Hit <F5> to retry

Level 4

Setup:  BE2010 R3 with SP4 running on Windows 2008 R2 SP1.

Recent Changes:  I put in a pair of Windows 2012 R2 domain controllers and decommissioned a pair of old Windows 2003 domain controllers

Problem:  When I go start a new backup job or look at an existing backup selection list, the resource pane is completely empty with the error "Connection with server failed. Hit <F5> to retry"

What I've tried:  Referencing,  .  I am using the default domain administrator account to start BE services on the server, and it is the default Logon Account configured within BE.  The administrator has all the appropriate rights.  I do not have any of user rights items defined in Default Domain group policy, I do have them defined in Default Domain Controller group policy.  I've already tried creating a new user account, putting it in the Domain Admins and built-in Administrators, removing Domain Users group.  Domain Admins being the primary group.  Then use it as the account that start up the BE services + as the logon account.  Resource pane is still empty.  No Windows firewall is turned on for the BE or remote servers being backed up.  

Backup jobs using existing selection lists work just fine, I just can't select see and select any resources without using the manual input method.




Level 4

I should add that all servers have Remote agent installed and remote agent service is running under the local system account on the BE server.

Level 6

good, I was just going to ask... and you probably have done this but in the Windows services have you manually tested the account by going to properties click on Log on and re entering the password of the 'Username" (same as the System Default Logon for BackupExec) ?

as well as verifing the accounts password in AD.

Level 4

I verified the password by using to logon to a pc.  And I did re-type it within logon accounts.  Not sure what else I'm missing.

   VIP    Certified

 I put in a pair of Windows 2012 R2 domain controllers and decommissioned a pair of old Windows 2003 domain controllers

Server 2012 R2 is not supported.  See the SCL below

You would have to upgrade to BE 2014 when it is released which should be soon.

Level 4

If you somehow misunderstood me, I'm NOT using BE2010 R3 to backup 2012 R2 servers.  I"m just saying the domain controllers changed from a pair of 2003 R2 servers to 2012 R2 servers.  I'm simply opening the backup window and trying to browse for server resources.  All servers with backup agent installed are either 2003 or 2008 R2 servers, NO 2012 R2 servers.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Is the System Logon Account configured within BE using preferred domain\username format ?

Level 4

Yes.  domainname\username, then I retyped the password.  I"m not sure what else to look at.

Level 4

If this helps at all, if I open an existing backup selection list and go test the credentials, I click the button and nothing whatsoever happens!  this all used to work.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Try running the BE Support Tool to recheck any authentication/permissions issues. -

Does any of the BE services get restarted when you open the backup seletctions ? Any relevant errors/warnings under the event viewer.

Level 4

I ran the debug when I opened the resource pane:



BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     01 No archive option installed. EV Embedded status defaults to true and not supported version.
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     01 Server Configuration: Client removed: 4
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     -1 Client 'XENBK' Disconnected:0xb6f9890
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     -1 Client requested key (1400692715).
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     "Cluster" key does not appear to be present in the registry
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     Failed to open Microsoft cluster ()
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     VCS cluster keys do not appear to be present in the registry
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     Failed to open VCS cluster ()
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     01 Server Configuration: Client added: 5
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     -1 Client 'XENBK' connected('','XEN\Administrator'): 0xb6ed990
BEREMOTE: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [4024]     [dsss\rpc]           - DS_LogonSelectionService: Administrator
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     -1 Error(1/234): -536837664:No records were found on database request.
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BESERVER: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2864]     17 Durham request from server vrts.notifyrecipient.BrokerProxy
BEREMOTE: [05/21/14 12:15:46] [2552]     [dsss\rpc]           - DS_LogonSelectionService: Administrator
BENGINE:  [05/21/14 12:16:11] [3020]     [server]             - DeviceManager: timeout event fired
BENGINE:  [05/21/14 12:16:11] [3020]     [server]             - DeviceManager: processing pending requests
BENGINE:  [05/21/14 12:16:11] [3020]     [server]             - DeviceManager: going to sleep for 900000 msecs


Level 4

I ran the support tools, I get:

- disk error regarding externally attached USB drive, there are disk errors reglarly with this drive, not the cause of resource display problem

- first character of administrator account isn't unique.  They have an administrator2 account and it has been in existence forever


I have a feeling that a recent Windows update killed this function.  When I right-click "All Resources" and select "Manage Active Directory Domains", the GUI crashes!  See screenshot.

I'm now building a new BE 2010 R3 server in a vm to see if this is anything to related to the domain.  If this new vm comes up and I can browse resources then it explains a lot....

Level 4

Update, I built a brand new vm and installed BE 2010 R3 and I can browse everything!  So this has nothing whatsoever to do with rights i have on the account used.  This is a BE bug + windows patch that caused the error!  Looks like I need to rebuild the backup server or uninstall patches one by one until I hit one that caused the issue.