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BU Exec 9.1 install fails on Server 2003 R2, SP2. Log included. Assistance needed!

Level 2
I've been attempting to install BUExec 9.11 on a new Dell server running fully updated Windows Server 2003 R2, SP2.

Install is performed 'hands on' -not with Term. Services.
I have tried installation while logged on domain administartor account, local administrator account, no go.

After inputting Serial no.s, The BE installation gets to the screen where I'm asked for an account and password that the BE system services can use.

I always get the error "The given password is not correct for account [server]\[username]."
(searching for this gets me an unresolved and wandering case.)

1) - I do not have any blank passwords. ( which is the given reason for this error in documentation)

2) -Tried with domain admin account, also local Administrator account.

3) -Tried with a domain account I created named BU-EXEC that I applied Domain Admin + backup operator permissions.

Complete Log of 1 of the install attempts:

VERITAS Backup Exec (TM) 9.1 for Windows Servers Installation Log

Start time: 06-30-2009,11:10:21


06-30-2009,11:10:22 : Product version: 9.1.4691

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : Executeing CSetupApp::RemoveAllOurFiles()

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : REMOVE From Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\buexec\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : REMOVE Files:

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : Resdll.dll

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : Settings.xml

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : TSMOps.dll

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : UpgradeSummary.xsl

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : warning.jpg

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : warning2.jpg

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : Executeing CSetupApp::RemoveAllOurFiles()

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : REMOVE From Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\buexec\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}.0

06-30-2009,11:10:22 : REMOVE Files:

06-30-2009,11:10:23 : Executing InitInstall_MSI.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : StartBESequence

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Executing StartBESequence

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Pulling user data from the MSI

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Executing CDlgUseLocalSQL::PullDataMSI()

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Executing TSM_GetTSMSettings.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Executing SSO::PullDataMSI()

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : MSI processing complete

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Pulling user data from the command line

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Setting up command line parameter table

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking UIMODE value

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for program group placement value

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for main feature selection

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: checking for USESQL values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for serialization values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : After Check for Remote_Install.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : After Check for RA_INSTALL.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for destination path value

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for sub features selected

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : After Check for INSTALL_MODE.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for service account values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Not in Maintenance mode

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Getting the Silent Params.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for tape drivers values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for TSM values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : After Check for INSTALL_MODE.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: checking for SSO values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for clone values

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking progress settings

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : COMMAND LINE: Checking for NOINSTALL value

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : /DEST:C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : /TS:

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Command line processing complete

06-30-2009,11:10:24 : Install set to run in UI mode

06-30-2009,11:10:30 : Validating license data

06-30-2009,11:10:31 : Executing CRegistryOperations CheckForOlderVersionAA

06-30-2009,11:10:31 : CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:31 : After Check for Remote_Install.

06-30-2009,11:10:31 : After Check for RA_INSTALL.

06-30-2009,11:10:31 : CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : Validating serialization data

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : After Check for INSTALL_MODE.

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : CDlgLocalChooseCustom Pass Function.

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : On Init of CDlgChooseCustom

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : Leaving Init of CDlgChooseCustom

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : On Init of CDlgLocalChooseCustom

06-30-2009,11:10:49 : Leaving Init of CDlgLocalChooseCustom

06-30-2009,11:10:52 : Validating Local Options Data

06-30-2009,11:10:54 : Validating service account data This is where the window shows The given password is not correct for account [server]\[username]"

06-30-2009,11:11:01 : Validating service account data

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : Installation Failed

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BERegisterDll called for C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BERegisterDll: Could not load C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BERegisterDll called for C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BERegisterDll: Could not load C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BERegisterDll called for C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BERegisterDll: Could not load C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : Executeing CSetupApp::RemoveAllOurFiles()

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : REMOVE From Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\buexec\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : REMOVE Files:

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : advertised.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BEInstDlgs.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : BEInstOps.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : bereg.exe

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : clusconfig.xml

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : clusconfigl.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : ECMOps.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : error.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : error2.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : information.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : install.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : InstallReview.xsl

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : InstOps.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : inst_icon.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : License.htm

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : logo.jpg

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : mfc42u.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : msvcrt.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : Ofouninst.dll

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : Executeing CSetupApp::RemoveAllOurFiles()

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : REMOVE From Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\buexec\LOCALS~1\Temp\{201E698C-B88E-41AE-8C46-3BBACADCD6E7}.0

06-30-2009,11:11:06 : REMOVE Files:

In the log file (complete log below), I saw
06-30-2009,11:09:03 : BERegisterDll called for C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-30-2009,11:09:03 : BERegisterDll: Could not load C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

However, when I looked at the directory during the install procedure.. It was never created. No instance of C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared was visible. (yes- unhidden everything)

Please advise.

Nick Halliwell

Level 6

Hi Nick,

It's probably nothing but...
I had an issue with Backup Exec 9.1 and Windows 2003 after a SP install in the past and it was down to Windows Firewall which was installed or enabled when the SP went on the box.

Good Luck,

Level 2
Thanks for your suggestion Gary,
 Unfortunately Firewall already 'off' ( no AV firewall on either)

Any further takers?

Level 6