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BUE 12.5 cannot backup 1 server Error code E000FE30

Level 3
I am having trouble backing up 1 server of a total of 10 servers. Here is what I have found so far:

The Backup exec server and server to be backed up are on two different subnets and on different interfaces on our router, however policies are inplace that allow ALL traffic between these two Interfaces and subnets

If the Remote Agent is not installed, I can run a backup but I do not get all the files.  All I get is completed with exception saying something about remote agent and open file.

I cannot install the remote agent from the backup server to t he server.  no matter how much I try I get RPS failure messages.

I can manually install the remote agent on the server but once I do, I cannot back it up at all.  I get these errors

          "V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled."
          E000FE30  - On the job monitor window on the backup exec server

There are no errors in the event logs for the server I am trying to backup.

There is a dcom error on the backup server: (the following are all the eventlog errors on the backup exec server that pertain to this problem)
          Event Type: Error
          Event Source: Backup Exec
          Event Category: None
          Event ID: 34113
          Date: 5/7/2009
          Time: 8:34:35 AM
          User: N/A
          Computer: COGITOR
          Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
         (Server: "COGITOR") (Job: "Processing") Processing -- The job failed with the following error: A communications failure has occurred.


         Event Type: Error
         Event Source: DCOM
         Event Category: None
         Event ID: 10009
         Date: 5/4/2009
         Time: 11:10:20 AM
         User: N/A
         Computer: COGITOR
         DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer using any of the configured protocols.

I check DCOM settings and they appear to be set correctly - no datagram protocols.  only "Connection-oriented TCP/IP Protocol"

I then check the registry settings for DCOM and I cannot find the registry key

          "HKEY Local Machine/Software/Microsoft/RPC/DCOM Protocols"  (or any key under RPC that has to do with DCOM)

ANy help here?  This is really getting frustrating


Level 3
I looked again at the registry settings and all look ok.  the dcom settings are there and they look fine.

Level 5
With the remote agent installed, if you test your credentials on the backup selection list, is it successful?

Also, is the server doing anything else when you are attempting to perform the backup?

Level 3
Yes the credentials work.  I tried them again and they came back successful.  I also did a test run of the backup and it resulted in a success.  I then tried another real backup and immediately came back failed (although there are no DCOM errors now) for the same reason.  The server is doing other things - It does have a database on it but we are only trying to backup one directory for now.

Level 3
Anyoen else have any suggestions?

Level 4
Which OS has the remote server?

Have you configured your backup job as per the following technote?

Level 3
both are running server 2003.  I can do a test run just fine.  I think it is fine at least.  there are no errors and I can se a connectionbeing made when I have the remote agent window open.  When I try to a real backup though, there is no indication that the backup server even connected to the remote server.

Level 6
is there any port filtering betweem these two networks on your router?