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Backing up a non-domain 2003 server

Level 3
I have a server that sits in a dmz that is not part of Active Directory.  Based on what I read here I need to purchase the Desktop and Laptop option to back this unit up.  Could anyone please confirm this.

Level 6
All you should need is a copy of the remote agent,  then in your job description, "Connect As" an Admin ID on that server in the format "ServerName\AdminID"
See also  the below articles  to setup  Backup Exec to operate across a firewall

Level 3
I don't see how the media server can see the server though since it is not part of the domain which is where I would make my selection in BE

Level 6
Is it in the same subnet?  If you log onto the media server as the BackupExec service account, can you find it it in Windows Explorer?  If so, you should, be able to find it in BackupExec
You could also try creating a UserDefinedShare using the IP Address rather than the Server Name

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 06-06-200711:52 AM

Level 3
No it is not on the same subnet.  It is locked away in a DMZ. 

Level 6
See  the articles below  to setup BackupExec across a Firewall

Level 3
It's not a question of communication between the firewall.  I have them opened up completely.  My issue is the machine isn't a member of any domain, yet when I try to install the remote client or even try to see the machine to select files to backup, I don't know what to select.  I can't select the domain, because I will not find the machine in there.  The machine isn't in any browse list to be selected.

Level 6
If you can browse to it in Windows Explorere, you should be able to do the same in BackupExec
If all else fails, you could create a user defined share, using either the IP or the Machine Name

Level 3
   Sorry I'm getting back to this post so late.  The whole point is I can't access the machine through any browse lists.  The machine in question is a web server that does not register with DNS nor is it a member of any domain.  Because of this, when I go to the browse the available resources from within BE, the machine isn't listed. 
   What is a user defined share?  Is this funtionalility located inside BE?

Level 6
See the Admin Guide page 282

Level 3
I see it, but I'm not sure that's going to work.  The machine in question is a Lotus Domino server and I need to access the server using the Lotus agent to make sure open databases are taken care of.  When I select the user-defined share, I only get the C and D drive and the "Lotus Domino Databases" selection is not accessible like it would be if I used the remote-agent.

Level 3

Level 3

Level 6
(We were off Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday and Thursday (4th of July) )
If you need to use the Notes Agnet, you would need to setup your routers/firewalls so that what ever port Notes Uses is open, as well as the ports for BackupExec

Level 3
okay.....maybe I'm just getting too frustrated to understand the issue.  If I setup my job to use a a user-defined share because my machine is not in the windows browse list I don't see the entry for "Lotus Domino Databases" like I would under Remote Selections.  I can't select my Domino Databases unless I see the entry "Lotus Domino Databases".  I've already expressed in prior posts that the firewall between my LAN and DMZ are wide open for the purposes of this application.

Level 6
My Bad - Didn't go back and read the whole thread again  Smiley Sad
Can you ping the workgroup server by both Name and IP address from the media server?  If not add entries in the LMHosts file for each pointing to the other and try again
When that works, you should be able to see the server in the selection list.  At that point you should be able to enter credentials in the form \\WorkgroupServer\AdminID