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Backup Exec 10.d for Windows Servers Hardware Compatibility

Level 2
We have a Western Digital 200GB external hard drive that we are currently backing up to. We are looking to upgrade this but are also searching for a software solution that we are comfortable with. In the compatibility list, Western Digital was not mentioned. If we purchase the software first, could we use it to backup to the 200GB hard drive until we upgrade our hardware?

Level 6
Since BackupExec doesn't use direct hardware access, but standard OS FileSystem calls, if you can see and access the drive in Explorer, I would expect no problems using it as a B2D device.

Level 2
What if the external HD is showing as a drive in My Computer?

Thanks for your help!

Level 6

Refer to the following technotes that explain the procedure to create removable backup-to disk folders:

Title: Backup Exec support of USB and Firewire hard drives for backup-to-disk in a Windows Server environment

How to create a new removable Backup-to-Disk folder in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers

Also check the following:

Best Practices for using removable media and the "Backup to Disk" feature in Backup Exec for Windows Servers

In case you have any more questions on this issue, revert with details.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
