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Backup Exec 11d - Backup Exec Service doesn´t start after windows update

Level 2
Hi there, we are using a Windows 2003 Server ( SBS ) together with the Symantec Backup Exec 11d for over 2 years without any problems. After I installed some Microsoft Updates ( for example WSUS 3 ) the Backup Exec Server Service didn´t start anymore. If I try to start this service manual, I just get the error: "The service -Backup Exec Server" on lokal computer kant be startet. Error 1067: The prozess...... I already deinstalled the WSUS application, but without any changes. Could anybody please help me ? thanks in advance.

Employee Accredited Certified

 Could you please check what event id is generated in the Windows system log.

Level 2
thanks for your answer, and sorry for the delay !

I had a look on the events. I just found this :

Ereignistyp: Informationen
Ereignisquelle: Backup Exec
Ereigniskategorie: (65535)
Ereigniskennung: 33152
Datum:  21.07.2010
Zeit:  21:45:22
Benutzer:  Nicht zutreffend
Computer: SERVER
Adamm Database Event: Open Database Connection ...
Error = S_OK
Server = "SERVER"
Active Node = ""
Instance = "BkupExec"
Database = "BEDB"
Connection String = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB;App=BEWS PVL"

and this

Ereignistyp: Informationen
Ereignisquelle: Backup Exec
Ereigniskategorie: (65535)
Ereigniskennung: 33152
Datum:  21.07.2010
Zeit:  21:45:27
Benutzer:  Nicht zutreffend
Computer: SERVER
Adamm Database Event: Open Database Connection Success!
Error = S_OK
Server = "SERVER"
Active Node = ""
Instance = "BkupExec"
Database = "BEDB"
Connection String = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=server\BkupExec;DATABASE=BEDB;App=BEWS PVL"

Ereignistyp: Fehler
Ereignisquelle: Service Control Manager
Ereigniskategorie: Keine
Ereigniskennung: 7034
Datum:  21.07.2010
Zeit:  21:52:53
Benutzer:  Nicht zutreffend
Computer: SERVER
Dienst "Backup Exec Server" wurde unerwartet beendet. Dies ist bereits 1 Mal passiert.
( Agent Backup Exec Server was closed. This happens once a time )

If I try to start the Backup Exec Server service there is the message:
The service "Backup Exec Server" on "lokal computer" cant be startet: Error 1067 The prozess was stopped
( I translated it, because its an German Windows 2003 SBS )

I hope you could help me ???

thanks in advance

Level 2


I fixed the problem by installing the new .NET Framework 3.5. After that the Backup Exec Software starts without any problems.
