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Backup Exec 11d - Logon Account Problem

Level 3

So I have a Backup Exec 11d server on a Win2003 32bit machine.

The service account for the BE network login, services, etc. had to have the password changed.   The original password is/was not known.


I reset the password, put it in the services, but I cannot get it changed in the BE program.


Using thislink:

I was able to change the password in the BEutility, and using the BE Services dialogue (both said they were successful)

But, I cannot change any settings in the Network > Logon Accounts entry.  I click the account and hit edit, and it wants the old password (which I don't have).

There was only one account, so I ended up having to create a second account and make it the default just so I could keep my jobs working.  I also thought I could then delete the first account, and then re-create that account using the new password, but it wont let me.  It says that it is set to default by X accounts, and one of them is currently using the BE software.  I set the second account as my default, and nobody else is logged into the machine or the software.

The trouble now is that there are two logon accounts, the broken one and the newly created one.  I want to get down to one account (ideally the original one, but at this point, it really doesn't matter). 

Am I missing a step, or is there another place I need to change my password, or is there something else I need to do?


Any help would be great!



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Have you looked at this KB -    ?

View solution in original post


Level 5


If you don't remeber the old password, then there's nothing you can do, but you did it right to create a new account.

Ensure that the new accout meet all requisites listed on

Level 3

Okay, excellent.  Thanks for the reply...


Now that I am going to be using the new account I created, how can I remove the old one from the Network Logon user list?

It is still complaining that it set as the default logon account and one of more of them are currently logged on the media server for 3 users... 

One of them is a user that can log in and change their default account to the new one... shouldnt be an issue..

The other is the old account itself... ?

One of them is an account from a previous IT employee that no longer works for us.


How do I correct this?
Can I manually kick people off the management server?

Is it safe to just leave the other account in there?



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Ideally, you should be able to delete the old SLA account...

Is this what you attempted ?

highlight the old a/c, click on replace & choose the new a/c...should be able to delete the old a/c & set the new one as the default//

What is the error you receive when trying to delete this a/c...maybe there are references of this account under the resource credentials section of backup jobs...


Level 3

That is precisely what I was trying to do.

I select OLD, click "replace" choose NEW as it's replacement.  Hit ok, no errors.

I see NEW as being Default - YES  Type - Common  Owner - Me (my admin)

When I click delete on OLD, it says "The account "XXX" cannot be deleted because the following users have selected it as their default logon account and one or more of them are currently logged on to the media server"

it lists 3 accounts...  an old disabled admin account, the OLD account, and one of our other employee's admin accounts


I do notice that the OLD's owner is listed as the old disabled admin...  is there a way I can claim ownership of this OLD account?  or does that not matter?



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Have you looked at this KB -    ?

Level 3

Excellent!  I had gone through those steps earlier, but I think it was before I created the second account.  It seems I was going through most all of the right steps, but in the wrong order.

It seems pretty silly to me that you need to know the old password to an account before you reset the password.  Many people set a randomly generated password for their service accounts and just copy/paste it and never read or remember it.


Anyway, thanks for the guidance, both of you.