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Backup Exec 12.5 DLO failing - storage location wizard - Could not load XPDLOShareu.dll

Level 5
Need some insight on Backup Exec 12.5 Desktop and Laptop Option issue...

Recently, the SQL Server instance for Backup Exec (ACSQL01\BKUPEXEC) was not allowing a security update for SQL Server SP3 to install due to an 'delayed installation'.  Repairing the SQL Server instance for Backup Exec allowed a completion of the installation.

This then caused BE to consistently begin failing as its services were shutting off and scheduled backups were not firing.  Repairing BE itself fixed this issue and returned it to expected operation.  However, we THEN saw that DLO was disabled on client machines 'due to incorrect configuration' server-side, and CPS backups were not occurring.

After finding nothing obviously wrong witrh the configuration, we decided to wipe out the existing settings and start fresh.  When I got to setting up the network storage location,however, an error pops claiming the XPDLOShareu.dll file cannot be found.  The DLO agent was working fine until the Repair action was initiated on BE.  Any thoughts?  I'd rather avoid having to do a total reinstall of BE if possible... 

Accepted Solutions

Level 5

Command still couldn't find the file, either - BUT I did in fact manage to clear this up with minimal fallout.  Still not sure what the root cause was (LiveUpdate, Windows Update or the fact that the instance for BE was being used on MSSQL2005 Standard, rather than EE), and using the BE utility to repair the database did not work, as it could not 'see' the DLO db, even though you could log in and see it fine through SQL Server Management Studio.

First, I uninstalled the DLO instances and reporting via the SQL Server 2005 change/remove dialog in add/remove programs.  Next, did a change/remove on BE and removed the DLO option, which removed the database data from the instance (I first stopped the services and made a backup just in case).  Next, did a change/remove on BE and did a total uninstall, but chose to keep all settings, job and history data intact.

Reinstalled BE with same options and DLO option from the start, using SQL Express instance for the db's instead.  BE came back up with all data intact, though I had to recreate the DLO settings and schema (which for us involves a LOT less work than redoing the regular BE schema for the tape backups).  both BE and DLO operate properly, and I was able to set up profile, storage, AD integration and auto assignments just fine.  Also, applied all LiveUpdate fixes right after the main BE reinstall before setting up DLO.

Anyone with the same issues as I have will probably have to go through this same process, but at least you can do it safely w/o losing your main BE settings and jobs.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Check if this file is present in X:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MMSQL\Binn (X: is the directory where SQL Express is installed, default is C:)

Search for different locations on the system, where you can find this file, if you do, copy it to above location, to make sure SQL instance is able to get this file to be able to load different stored procedures. Also, if this file is present in above path, register it through command line by using command : regsvr32 "filename".

Please mark it a solution, if this is useful.

Level 5

BE exists on a server that has SQL Server Standard installed, rather than EE, so we originally used the existing server (ACSQL01) and created th Backup Exec instance (ACSQL01\BKUPEXEC).  The location of the file is actually 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.4\MSSQL\Binn', which matches the registry.

If I browse to this directory and run regsvr32 "XPDLOshareu.dll", I get the following error message:

LoadLibrary("XPDLOshareu.dll") failed - the specified module cannot be found

Anything else I can try?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
On command prompt, browse to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.4\MSSQL\Binn' and then run "regsvr32 xpdloshareu.dll". This should not give the error of module not found. If it does, then possibly file present in this path is not the correct one. Check the properties of the file, if you find there and check version and permissions on the file. You may grant everyone full rights on the file. See, if that allows you to register the file.


Level 5

Command still couldn't find the file, either - BUT I did in fact manage to clear this up with minimal fallout.  Still not sure what the root cause was (LiveUpdate, Windows Update or the fact that the instance for BE was being used on MSSQL2005 Standard, rather than EE), and using the BE utility to repair the database did not work, as it could not 'see' the DLO db, even though you could log in and see it fine through SQL Server Management Studio.

First, I uninstalled the DLO instances and reporting via the SQL Server 2005 change/remove dialog in add/remove programs.  Next, did a change/remove on BE and removed the DLO option, which removed the database data from the instance (I first stopped the services and made a backup just in case).  Next, did a change/remove on BE and did a total uninstall, but chose to keep all settings, job and history data intact.

Reinstalled BE with same options and DLO option from the start, using SQL Express instance for the db's instead.  BE came back up with all data intact, though I had to recreate the DLO settings and schema (which for us involves a LOT less work than redoing the regular BE schema for the tape backups).  both BE and DLO operate properly, and I was able to set up profile, storage, AD integration and auto assignments just fine.  Also, applied all LiveUpdate fixes right after the main BE reinstall before setting up DLO.

Anyone with the same issues as I have will probably have to go through this same process, but at least you can do it safely w/o losing your main BE settings and jobs.