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Backup Exec 2010 R2 Connect to ESXi 4.1 fail.

Level 3


I was upgrade BE 2010 R2 to latest hotfix already.(12/29)


When i trying to connect ESXi 4.1 , its always show login account error.


But i check & check my login account and password , it cant be wrong.


When i use the same account and password on VSphere Clinet, its login succesfull .


BTW, I had trying  to connect VSphere 4.0 on same machine and it login succesfull!!


Please help, thanks alot.




Accepted Solutions

Level 6

It doesnt matter what version of ESXi you have.  You need to have the vStorage API available and licensed from Vmware to have BackupExec take a snapshot of the VMDK's.  

Just like in 12.5 you needed to own VCB, in 2010, you need to own the vStorage components.  

This is no different from many other enterprise products.


Now you can still purchase the AVVI option in BackupExec, and backup the clients using standard agents, and if you are virtualizing more than 4 guests, you are actually saving money this way.  Each AVVI license comes with the ability to use unlimited remote agents for windows or linux.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

I am sure that you are using the ROOT account to access the ESX server. Try to delete the ROOT account from Backup Exec and create it again. Then try to access the ESX server from Backup Exec using this ROOT account.




Level 3

Now, my account list has 2 account .

one is system and BE's login account , administrator

than . the other is "ROOT".

I  tried to delete the ROOT and create again but it has the same problem.

SO, did you mean delete  the ROOT account from "be" ?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Do you have a virtual center, if you do have then please add the virtual center name or ip in the BE selection list and try to browse it with windows user id and password. From vsphere are you accessing the virtual center or ESX directly.

Also if you are trying to access directly the ESX server then make sure your root password doesn't have the special character and should be simple. We had some issues with special character if there are special characters

Level 3


I dont have virtual center.


I tried to use simple password but doesnt work. :"(

Employee Accredited Certified

Can you upload a screenshot of selection and error returned when you try expanding ESX using root account

Also launch SGMON.exe (C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec) and select the first and last checkbox (capture to file) and then try expanding the ESX server

close sgmon when you get the error and upload the sgmon log. You will find the sgmon log in the following path :- C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs

Level 3


Please refer the attachment.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Are you able to connect to http://<ESXservername> from internet browser?


Level 3

Yes, i can.

And i can download esxi clinet from internet browser.

Employee Accredited Certified

Can you check if Agent for Vmware Virtual Infrastructure License is added and the option is installed on the BE (Tools -> Install options and License keys)

Level 3

Yes, avvi license is added and the option is installed on BE.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

The log shows


BEREMOTE: [12/30/12 15:12:03] [0000]     12/30/12 15:12:03 [fsys\vmvcb]         - SymVmTools: SOAP 1.1 fault: "":ServerFaultCode [no subcode]

    "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password."

BEREMOTE: [12/30/12 15:12:03] [0000]     12/30/12 15:12:03 [fsys\vmvcb]         - VM_VCBPROXY_FS::GenerateVCItemDles() Could not connect to the VC server ''  User:'STUDENT4\Administrator'


Also it seems to try to connect with the student4\administrator account. Did you select the root account to expand it because by default it is taking STUDENT4\Administrator account. Make sure you click on root account and submit.

Level 3

I'm very sure that i using the "root" account. (right click on hyperV server and choose connect as..)


When i submit this command , BE server will hang on for few mininutes.

and show login error.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

I think you are using ESX server then where does HYPER-V comes into the picture. Whay re you right clicking on Hyper V and hoosing Connect as??

In the selection list You need to Right click on Vmware VCenter and ESX node under which you will be able to see the ESX server. And then connect to this ESX server with the ROOT account.




Level 3



because i have other BE case ....sorry for my careless...

I'm very sure that i using the "root" account. (right click on AVVI's HOST server and choose connect as..)

Employee Accredited Certified

A vSphere Standard license is required for BE 2010 and BE 2010 R2 to correctly protect the ESXi hosted guest systems

Have you purchased the above from vmware

Level 6
Partner Accredited


Gurvinder is true, You should have a VMware (payable) license to use vStorage API for data protection. This could be either Essential, Ess+, Std, Adv, Ent, Ent+ BUT NOT the Free ESX4i license from VMware.

Is that your case?


Level 3

Yes, i'm using Free ESXi license for VMware now.

BE 2010 R2 doesn't support ESXi "4.1" free version ?

I can connect and backup ESXi 4.0 free version. :"(

So this is R2 version's new specification?


Level 6

It doesnt matter what version of ESXi you have.  You need to have the vStorage API available and licensed from Vmware to have BackupExec take a snapshot of the VMDK's.  

Just like in 12.5 you needed to own VCB, in 2010, you need to own the vStorage components.  

This is no different from many other enterprise products.


Now you can still purchase the AVVI option in BackupExec, and backup the clients using standard agents, and if you are virtualizing more than 4 guests, you are actually saving money this way.  Each AVVI license comes with the ability to use unlimited remote agents for windows or linux.

Level 3

Thanks for help.

Its working now! :)