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Backup Exec Inventory Jobs

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Do you need to run an inventory job on the drive before you run a schedualed job?

I'm using the latest version of Backup exec, but when i set a scheduled job up it seems to fail because it cant write to the media, although the media is in the drive.

This is on Win 2003 R2 with all the latest patches and stuff, and an IBM LTO800 drive.

Anyone any clues to why it wont be running.


Level 6
Does the new media show up in Devices as being recognised by Backup Exec when the job runs?

Personally I've found that on some of the systems I manage, Backup Exec just seems to pick up the fact that a new tape has been inserted and goes ahead and uses it correctly, while on others it doesn't. I don't know if there is a proper reason for this, or simply an error in the way I've set them up.

The easiest way I found to get around this was to use the Backup Exec command line applet, which can be found in (assuming default path) c:\program files\veritas\backup exec\nt\bemcmd.exe. If you run bemcmd.exe -? you'll get a list of all the switches etc, but the ones you would be after would be either -o103 to inventory a robotic library, or -o117 for a stand-alone drive.

So for instance you'd have :

bemcmd.exe -o103 -a"HP 1" -s1,2,3,4,5,6 (for a 6 slot loader)


bemcmd.exe -o117 -d"HP 1" (for a single drive)

where HP 1 is the name of the drive as listed in Devices.

Personally I put it into a batchscript which is then scheduled to run 10 minutes before the backup starts, but that's mainly just because I like batchscripts. You could also run it as a Pre-command through the job properties.


Level 6
Hello joel,

Please let us know if the Response from Keith helped you.

If you need more assistence, please get back to us with following Information:
- What kind of a device do you have?
- Do you change the Tapes regularly?
- Does the job go through fine when you run an inventory?
