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Backup Exec - Stuck on "Backup Scan"

Level 3
The last week or so, Veritas Backup Exec has not been running the Backup Schedule. Before I go home I can verify that the backup is due to start at 8pm that night, but the following day there is no record of the backup having started, and the schedule start date has moved forward to the current day.

I tried starting the backup manually (Run Now), but it is just stuck on "Backup Scan" and nothing else seems to happen. It's been on "Backup Scan" for a couple of hours.

If I disable the pre-scanning (progress indicator option) it works OK, but I would prefer to have this enabled...

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
KimMessage was edited by:
Kim Maisch

Level 3
I had this same issue. Once i rebooted the client server, the problem went away. If this doesn't work, try creating the backup job from scratch and rescshedule it.

Level 3
Thanks for the reply (was beginning to think no one looked in the 8.x forums :(

Have rebooted the server... (the backup is run locally on the server), but it hasn't made any difference.

I have re-installed Veritas (was having a few other problems) - haven't done a test yet, but am hoping this will fix the problems.
