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Backup Exec is not purging old IMG folders

Level 6
Partner Accredited

I have a USB drive setup as a backup locationg for Backup Exec 2010 13.0 Rev 2896. My backups run fine however Backup Exec is not purging the old IMG folders so the USB drive fills up and then the job stops running and gets stuck at loading media. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Employee Accredited Certified

As 13.0.2896 is 2010 R1 you should probably consider upgrading to 2010 R3. Especially as prior to 2010 R2 we did not properly handle unplugging USB disks used as backup to disk.


With IMG folders you have to run a GRT enabled backup in order for them to be reclaimed once they go beyond their overwrite protection period. If you are no longer running GRT backups then the won't be reclaimed.



Also if a a single job fills a USB disk with an IMG folder you cannot span to another location as the IMG for one resouce MUST be on the same disk. As sushc a single GRT enabe backip must be abl to fit on the target disk storage device.


Level 6
Yes, as Colin mentioned you should upgrade to 2010 R3 especially as many improvements have been made in this version for backups to disk.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
I have GRT enabled and overwrite protection is only applied for an hour yet IMG folders that are a week old are not touched. I'm planning on upgrading to R3 but I'm having difficulty getting the license information I need from the client. I was hoping there was something I could do in the meantime.

   VIP    Certified

Check that your jobs specify overwrite.  If they specify append, then the .img folder may not be overwritten.

The licences used for BE 2010 R1 will work with R3.  You can just upgrade the existing R1 installation.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

I upgraded to R3 but it's still not overwritting the old IMG files, this is the first time I've seen R3 do this. I'm going to purge the old USB drives as they are swapped out and see if going forward it won't be an issue. Any other suggestions?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

In addition to the above comments, set the option to overwrite recyclable media before scratch media from global settings.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Ok, I set the "overwrite recyclable" option, I'll see if that helpd.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

So I've been letting the jobs run for the past couple of weeks and Backup Exec is still not over writting old IMG files. I found that it kept putting the media under the "Imported Media Set - Backup Exec and Windows NT Backup Media" I tried associating it with the media set I have setup so I'll see if that fixes it.

Employee Accredited Certified

IMG media that end up in the imported media set will probably prompt/alert for overwrite and sit there waiting for a response (this is a default setting that can be changed)

However BE should not be moving IMG media to that Imported media set, the media should have remained in the original media set and then gone overwritable at the appropriate time.

Is anyone deleting the media from the BE console - as if you do that and then do not also delete from the disk itself then BE will eventuially find the IMG again and stick it into imported media because it did not know about the media it found just found on disk..