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Backup Job goes to queue once it starts the verify operation.

Level 3
Currently running BackupExec 12.5d on Windows Small Business Server 2003

Everything seems to backup fine, but once it starts to verify the backup, it goes into the queue and never leaves.

Currently using backup - to - disk and its backing up to a windows share on another computer.  The windows share on the other computer is located on an external harddrive that gets swapped daily.


Accepted Solutions

Level 3
So Thursday before the backups ran, I ran a scan off all the mailboxes and it turned up about 30 viruses or so, they were all quarentined and deleted.  That night the backups ran beautifully and they worked again the next night.

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Level 3
It seems that it stops verifying once it gets to the Microsoft information Store (Exchange).

Any ideas?

Level 4
I would check the event log on the server you are trying to backup.  look in the SYSTEM and APPLICATION event logs and you wil probably get error messages while the backup job his hung in the 'queue' status.

Level 4

ryan.murphy - did the event log on the server you are trying to backup give you any indication of the issue?  If you have a backup start at 7:00pm - you should see events in the SYSTEM and APPLICATION log at 7:00pm + relating to the backup exec process.  If you found a solution, could you please post?

Level 3
I checked the event log and there doesn't seem to be anything relating to backupexec other than me cancelling the job each day.

Level 4

Is it a safe assumption that you were checking the event log of the server you were trying to back up, not the backup exec server?

Level 2

I have the exact same backup setup as you Ryan and I’m having the same issue. I have tried everything to fix the verify problem. At first it was hanging on verifying the systemstate so I made a separate job that didn’t have that, and now it hangs on information store like you. If I make a job that just backs up the systemstate the verify works, and if I run the my old jobs with verify off the backup completes successfully. No idea.. :(

Level 3
Its the same server.

Level 2
I removed the information store from my backup and now it freezes on verifying D: , so it seems to be related to verify in general.

Level 3
Now I can't even run backups.  They start to backup then hit the queue once they get to Exchange.

Level 3
Not sure if what I did was the cause of why my backups started working,  but try running a virusscan on the mail boxes and see if it gets anything, then see if the automatic backups work.

Level 3
So Thursday before the backups ran, I ran a scan off all the mailboxes and it turned up about 30 viruses or so, they were all quarentined and deleted.  That night the backups ran beautifully and they worked again the next night.