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Backup Size discrepency

Level 2
Sometimes there is a discrepency between the byte count in the job monitor and size of the data being backed up. All the data seems to be there, is there an explanation for this?

Level 6

Please answer the questions below:-

-- It seems from your query that the total number of bytes backed up by Backup Exec doesl not match the bytes displayed by Windows Explorer.
If this is the case,

1. The Windows NT or Windows 2000 partition is an NT File System (NTFS) compressed partition. When performing a backup, Backup Exec will display the uncompressed byte count of the files being backed up, while Windows Explorer will display the compressed byte count of the files on the hard disk. For example, an NTFS partition that contains 1 Gigabyte (GB) of data is compressed by Windows NT or Windows 2000 on Backup Exec for Windows server to 500 Megabytes (MB). When Backup Exec backs up the drive, Backup Exec will report that 1 GB of data was backed up even though Windows Explorer reports that only 500 MB of compressed data exists on the hard disk.

2. The partition is a FAT partition. For example, File Manager reports 1.9 GB of used space on a 2 GB drive, but Backup Exec reports only 1.4 GB of files in a full backup. There is a 450 MB difference in the number of bytes (assuming a 500 MB pagefile.sys is automatically excluded from the backup).

On a 2 GB drive partition defined as one 2 GB FAT16 partition, the cluster size for this size of FAT16 partition is 32K. Backup Exec reports only the actual byte count. FAT16 wastes disk space (around 400 MB of space in the example above). Converting to NTFS will regain most of that space because the default cluster size in NTFS for this size of drive is 4KB. This illustrates another great advantage of NTFS (in addition to security and virtual instant recovery).

Please refer to the following technote for more information on default file systems and cluster size that may affect the byte count.

If our understanding about your problem is incorrect then please elaborate it.

-- Are you taking a backup of the local system drives or are you taking a backup of the Exchage or MS SQL?
-- What is the actual size of the data being backed up.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.