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Backup exec reporting to find cause for the backup to pause halfway

Level 2
Hi all,

I'm not sure where the problem lies, what has been happening is we've been backing up roughly 370GB every night on our HP G2 Autoloader using backup exec 11d rev: 7170
things have been ok till last week, 2 backups in a row stopped at 270-290GB and would just queue, and ask to insert media, I canceled both those, then it worked again twice in a row, and now I can't get it to backup past 290ish GB using different tapes that worked as late as last week.
I'm using LTO3 tapes (400GB uncompressed) and the tapes have been in circulation as part of our tape rotation policy so I know they can hold well over 350GB.
I have a job in the autoloader at the moment that's queued since it hit 292GB
I have put a tape that is labeled as scratch media, and have tried to get it to continue the backup, but it's still queued.

is there a way to find out why it's queuing ?




Level 6
2 backups in a row stopped at 270-290GB and would just queue, and ask to insert media,

if your jobs are all Overwrite, sounds like the drive may be going bad

have you tried a few passes of the manufacturer's diagnostics?

Level 6
Are there any active alerts under the Alerts tab that reference the job?  Generally when I see a job go into a queued status I check the Active alerts for anything.

Level 2
Hi Ken,

I'm currently running a backup with a secondary tape, hoping to get a full backup, once it's done I'll run some HP hardware tests


Level 2
Hi Ben,

No there aren't any active alerts when the job is queued, the only ones I see are data corruption due to people leaving PST files open when the backup is running.


Level 2
The backup completed with 2 tapes, a total of 377GB copied.

I've tried running a few diagnostics but haven't come across anything yet.
what I've decided to do is erase the tape that will be used for tonight’s backup, as the other tapes always said 391GB used, so I thought there might be something on the tape that isn't being over written for some reason.