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CPS Architecture / Secondary Tape Backups

Level 3
I've finished upgrading our infrastructure to BE 12.5.  The architecture is fairly simple:

4 Remote offices - 1 file server in each office with CPS agents
Central office:
1 server with BE 12.5 and the tape drive;
1 server with BE CPS Server and a locally connected drive array (used as the CPS destination)

Remote file servers backup to a local tape nightly
Remote file servers are also synchronized nightly with the CPS server
A snapshots is taken in the morning.
CPS allows me to have several weeks of easily restorable files without using any tapes.

My questions are as follows:

1) Is CPS the best architecture/software for centrally synchronizing across WAN links or is there another symantec product for this?

2) How come it takes forever to backup the CPS data to the tape drive (servers are all running Gigabit network cards, but the throughput is awful!).  I choose the "protected resources" node on the tape backup server.

3) In terms of offsite backups, the central office is used as a secondary backup for our remote offices.  I'm thinking of just mapping a drive to the CPS backup destination folder and backing up directly to tape.  I'm hoping for much better throughput.  Is this an acceptable solution for secondary disaster recovery?

4) Is there any way of automatically stopping the CPS jobs if they don't finished at, say, 8 am (to free up the bandwidth)?

Thanks for any input/advice.