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Can't connect server to a backup.

Level 4

We have the remote agent manually installed on a server because it would not connect through the software. We were getting 2 different errors when attempting to connect with the software; either 1.) The RPC Service is not available. or 2.) The process is being used by another process.
We rebooted the remote server after installing the Remote Agent manually, and it is listed as installed and running on the Remote Server, however, when I attempt to attach that server to a backup job, the boxes are grayed out as if it did not have the Remote Agent installed. We even rebooted our backup server. Nothing seems to be working, and it is very puzzling.
Please help!

Thomas Tomoff

Level 6
Hi Thomas,

Is the server visible in the "Network Neighborhood"?

Try adding the IP of this server under "User Defined Selections" and check if the selections are visible.


Level 6
Even though you did a local install of the RemoteAgent, did you add the RAWS serial to the Media Server?

Level 4
Hi Rucha!

Yes. We just checked.

Thank you for your response. Please continue to offer further help.


Level 4
Hi Ken!

Yes, we just checked, and it is on the Backup Exec server.

Thanks for your help!

Since you are an expert, I will welcome and appreciate any further offers of help.


Level 6

As mentioned earlier can you select the server via userdefined selections?

Also check that the remote agent service is running under local system account on the media as well as the remote server.

In the hosts file on the media server add the server name and the ip address of the remote machine and vis -versa.


Level 4
Hello Tejashree,

Thank you for replying. The answer is no to the first question which was the reason I opened up this thread. The server is visible, but the boxes are grayed out, and will not select.
Now, regarding the rest of the questions, I will need to consult with my administrator, who is gone for the rest of the week. I've been reinstalling and uninstlling the remote agent locally to the remote server trying to ger it to connect to our backup, as briefly mentioned above. My administrator advised me to try to only install it from Backup Exec. Currently, there is supposedly a process running on that server preventing us to continue the remote agent installation process.
We will update you next week regarding this once we investigate our newly discovered issue. Thanks very much for your offer of help.


Tom Tomoff

Level 6

Could you please Update us on the issue?

Thank You,


Level 4
Hello Shweta,

Well, this is, indeed, very challenging. I turned off the process that was running on that remote server. I tried installing the Remote Agent from Backup Exec, and then we got "Access denied". I then rebooted the remote server, and the backup server, and tried it again, and still got, "Access denied".
We did follow your adivce to make sure that the server name and ip address was added to the hosts file on the media server and vice versa. I tried installing it again, and we still got, "Access denied." I checked for proper permissions on the remote server, and for the firewall, as well, and there are no restrictions.
I am going to keep researching until I receive another response from here. I f something else ends up working, I'll update you again.

Thanks very much for all of your offers of help.


Tom Tomoff

Level 6
Hi Tom,

Add the Servername and IP adress of the Media server in the HOSTS File of the remote server.

On the Media server add the IP adress and Servername of the reomte server in the HOSTS file and then recycle the services.


Level 4
Hello Rucha,

My administrator said that the server name and ip address was added to the HOSTS file on each of the servers. Just to make sure that we know exactly to what you are referring, can you advise us where the HOSTS file is located, and then state specifically what services need to be recycled?
Thank you very much for your offer of help. We will be enthusiastically awaiting your response.



Level 4

I advised you that I added the server name and IP address to each of the servers' hosts file. If I didn't know where it was, how could I have added that information to the file? The "recycle" is referring to restarting the Backup Exec services on the media server. Thanks.

Level 6

The "access is denied error " can be caused by using an administrative account

with a null password.

Please use an account that does not have a blank password when pushing the

Remote Agent for Windows Servers.

See following:


Level 4
Thank you, Swati,

But we have always used an administrative password while logging into our servers. Furthermore, there is a grey screen that appears that says, "Access is denied." It never even allows us to get to the installation screen.


Thomas Tomoff

Level 6

What happens when you try to install the remote agent locally?

How to do a manual / silent install of the Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) if the push install does not succeed

Thank You,


Level 4
Thank you, Sweta!

Something finally worked! This has been one of the weirdest challenges of my career! I originally used Document ID # 258982 that I found from the Veritas Knwledge Base to try to install the Remote Agent locally. None of the command prompts would work! I couldn't even get the directory to change to root c:! So, I couldn't even get to the RANT32 directory!
Now, I followed the Document ID# 265736 instructions that you advised, and it worked like clockwork! Awesome! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You just saved me from having attack!

Best Regards,

Thomas Tomoff
Computer Operator