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Catalogue to Network Drive

Level 2



I need to restore some files from a back-up job.  The back-up job was 350GB. I understand I must catalogue the media before I can restore from it.  I do not have 350GB free disk space to catalogue the media - I only want to restore about 3 GB of data - is there a way to only catalogue what I want to restore?


Or can I catalogue the media to a network drive?  When choosing my catalogue options I only see local hard drives.  Can I catalogue to a USB drive?  The server I am using does not have a USB port but I will get a USB card if I can catalogue to a USB hard drive.  Any suggestions?


Thank you all


Compact ML530

WIN 2003 Enterprise

Compact Storage Works SSL2020

Symantec Back-Up Exec 11D



Level 6

Catalog does not restore any data


All it does is rebuild the catalog entry for that piece of media


Once that has been done, you can restore as little or as much as you need from that media

Level 2


Okay, but don't I have to catalogue the media before I can restore from it?


Thanks for your reply



Level 6
if the catalog entry does not already exist, yes you must inventory and catalog the media before you can restore, but the only disk space this needs is enough for the catalog itself, not all the data in the backup

Level 2

So is it possible to catalogue media to a network drive or a USB hard drive?


Thanks again - appreciate the help!



Level 6

The catalog will only be created in the \Catalogs folder


Why would you want a catalog anywhere else?