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Confused about Archiving Settings

Not applicable
Hi All,

I am having some issues with Archiving some files. We have a lot of stagnant data on our network. For testing I picked a directory with a bunch of junk in it and I created a couple of new files in the directory. I created an archive job and set the last accessed date to 3 days. My understanding since we rarely use this directory was that it would archive everything with the exception of the files I just created. It archived everything in the directory including the files I just created and deleted everything except the folder structure. I am confused as to why it archived the files I just created since they have been newly created and accessed within the 3 day period I selected. My goal is to set a parameter of anything that hasn't been accessed in the last 200 days and archive it to tape.



Level 6

If the option "Archive the files" is selected-then all the data selected for backup will be deleted irrespective of when the data was last accessed.

You will have to select the data which hasnt been accessed in the last 200 days and select the "Archive the files" option.


Level 6
Padmaja -

Read his post again

For Testing, he set a filter of three days, but files created the day of the test were backed up and deleted