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Connection with server failed

Level 2
When I try to create a new backup job, there is nothing avaliable in the selection list and it says "connection with server failed".
I have uninstalled the product, reinstalled, changed logon accounts, change service logon and still cannot get it to work.
Also the server is fully up to date in terms of symantec updates and windwos updates.
The one thing that i think could be causing the issue, is that the internal domain name is very long and be is not seeing the full domain name, which I guess is a netbios thing?
Does any one have any ideas?

Message Edited by James Masnell on 05-17-200707:19 AM


Level 6
Just to verify, you have no local or remote selections when you try to create a new backup job, correct?  If this is the case, it's probably an issue with the default logon account under network->logon accounts.  I'd suggest to make sure that this account is a member of the domain admins group only.

Level 2
That's correct.
Checked under there and still no luck.
Any other ideas? Do you think the domain name could be affecting the logon account?

Level 6
I don't think that the domain name has anything to do with it.  Where you have the username there, did you enter it domainname\username?  And this account is a memeber of ONLY the domain admins group?  If so, also try setting the Backup Exec services to run as this account.  You can change them all in one shot by doing tools->backup exec service and then clicking the services credentials button.

Level 2
Tried this and its still not working.

Not applicable
Hi James,
I had exactly the same problem and it is an authentication issue.
If you're using the system administrator account (yourdomain\administrator) as the Backup Exec logon account (which I think is the default) then the services should also be using the same account.
I was set up this way and still had the problem you mention.
The resolution was to ensure that the administrator account was only a member of the built in Administrators group (which you can't change) and the DomainAdmins group and no other security groups.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

You also will want to check and make sure that the Remote Agent service is started and that the Backup Exec media server can communicate with it.


Open a command prompt on the media server, and type ‘telnet servername 10000’ and hit enter (no quotes, replace servername with actual server name).


If you get a connect failed error, then we are not able to communicate with the Remote Agent. You would then want to check for any firewall or routers that maybe blocking traffic.


Level 3
Thanks Neil
Fixed my problem. Does'nt make sense though. I have plenty of servers where the Administrator is a member of numerous groups and all works well. But as you said, I dropped him back to just the two and I can now veiw all resources.
Thanks again, you saved many hours and reinstalls Smiley Very Happy

Not applicable
This is exactly what was wrong with mine.  It was the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems service that I had to check.  Thank you for saving me days of work.

Level 3

We have an issue thats simillar

I have just got the trial of the server and installed it on a 2008 server machine, and installed the agent on another 2008 machine.

the agent is in our DMZ and is not on our active directory domain so there are no shared accounts. I am able to telnet to port 10000 from the server to the agent. the agent is not able to publish to the server as that is a security risk.

When ever i try to add a user defined host I enter in \\ipaddress and it then asks for a logon account, not matter what logon account I use it never works.

Not applicable
In my case the user that was being used to control services had been added to the "Deny logon locally" policy of the local security policy.

Not 100% sure (99.99% sure though) but I think this was a result of installing Ghost Solution Suite on the same server - the account was definately not in that policy prior to installation.

Removed the user from the policy above, restarted services and all worked sweet ....