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Continuous Protection Server Snapshot question

Level 3

I have recently installed CPS 11 and set up a business server, protection server and everything else. Everything seems to be working except this one item.

I have the snapshot to go off every hour, and the job I have created to backup this specified test folder is set for run continuously.

It was my thought that changes to any files within this test folder would be captured in increments as they are changed. So that when I go to restore them, every change that I made was there separately to be restored.

What is happening is that the only time it seems to grab anything for restore is when the snapshot is taken (not a problem), but it only backs up the latest change to the file, not any of the changes in between.

I don't know what I am missing. Perhaps this is how CPS works, but  this can hardly be considered continuous protection if its only once an hour. Backup Exec can do that.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Level 3
Funny... every hour is pretty continuous...

If you set it to do it every 5 minutes it will be even more continuous...

Obviously if you set it that High you're storage load can be very high...

Other Problem is that it will only store 64 changes... basically the limit of the Volume Shadow Copy

Storage I'm not sure...

First copy is the biggest copy
Every few other copies there after are only differences
and every few are full copies of the file...

So if you have 64 copies the storage isn't holding on to 64 complete files, only changes for a lot of them.  Basically a file level incremental difference to the file is all it holds.

So end of long not so perfect technical story is that continous is the only the setting of which you want to make it continous...

1 hours is more than I'd do but hey .... that is pretty continuous to me...

Every 5 minutes is even more continous but its basically not going to hold too many copies.

Level 3
Thanks for the response.

I understand what you are saying and agree that once an hour is pretty good. I was just testing CPS and wanted to see what it could do.

You mention backing up whatever volume I have chosen every 5 minutes if I wanted to. What I am scratching my head over is the most frequent snapshot schedule is every hour.

If this is true then CPS isn't continuous as it will only backup volumes every hour. Again, once an hour is very good regardless.

I guess I was thinking it was something else.

Thanks again.

Level 3
I thought it could do it more often as well..

However you could just use Volume shadow copy to get down to every 5 minutes as well though...

Could use them together I guess?

Level 3
It looks as though I was being way too impatient. I was making 4 or 5 changes to a file within a minute's time and wondering why it wasn't capturing every change.

However, I guess I was just moving too fast for it. When I made one change and waited, it would in under a minute backup the new change. This is obviously more than adequate for my purposes.

Since I am testing this thing, I was just trying to hammer it with changes just to see what would happen.

So it's all good.

Thanks again for your help.