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Copying media server configuration

Level 3
Hi Folks,

Very new to Backup Exec, so bear with me. :)

I'm trying to copy the media server configuration using the BEUtility. Everything seems to go fine, only no file is created. There are no errors generated, nor does anything show up in the even log.

This is on a Windows 2000 system running Backup Exec 12.

I've found a few references to this issue, but they either had no response, or the solutions didn't work.

Anyone else suffering this?


Level 6
Even tho this "functionality" has been in BEUTIL since v10, I don't think that it has ever worked correctly
You could try taking the BEDB.BAK file from the source server to the target server and "Recover Configuration from a File"  that way,

Level 3
I'll give this a shot and post the results.


Level 3
I tried to copy the jobs using the method mentioned here,


Only each time the job timed out.

So I attempted taking the BEDB.BAK file and run the "Recover Configuration from a File", which resulted in the following error log:

Starting database recovery.
Stopping Services
Stopping services for server:XXXXXXXX
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecAgentBrowser stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecJobEngine stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecRPCService stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService stopped successfully or was not running.
Stopping services for server XXXXXXXX completed.
Performing database recovery for BEDB database.
Starting Services
Starting services for server:XXXXXXXX
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService started successfully.
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecRPCService failed to start.
Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecJobEngine failed to start.
Error: (1068) - The dependency service or group failed to start.

Server:XXXXXXXX, Service:BackupExecAgentBrowser failed to start.
Error: (1068) - The dependency service or group failed to start.

Starting services for server XXXXXXXX completed with errors.
Database recovery for server XXXXXXXX ended with errors.

Like a typical noobie, I left out a piece of info that just might be important; I'm importing job info from Backup Exec ver 12 on a Win2K machine to a Windows 2003 server, (also running Backup Exec 12.)

Could the differences in operating system be causing this?

Level 6

Could be for the BEUTIL option, tho normally the Tech Notes would say something about that


Looks like you're gonna have to do it the hard way Smiley Mad

Level 3



Ah well...thanks for the help anyway!



Level 3

Figured it out,


The "Copy Server Configurations" feature has to be installed on both the source and target servers,  (I'll take my serving of humble pie "to go" thank you.)


Once that feature was installed on both servers I was able to right click on the jobs I wanted, select "Copy", select the media server,make sure the credentials were correct and send them on their way.


Hopes this help anyone who might find themselves in the same boat. Smiley Wink