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Create a backup set from Multipile tapes to a singel tape

Level 2
Well during our differential backups we will have 4 jobs writing at once to 4 different tapes.  These jobs do not contain a lot of data and i am 100% sure all the data will fit on one drive.  is there a way to create a (for lack of a better word) 'media set'  where i can take the back data from all those tapes and move them to a single tape?  We can't combine the jobs into one job because it will make the backup job too long.   We also put monthly tapes off site for Permanent storage, and it would be nice to reduce the amount of tapes we are storing long term and have to spend less money on new tapes.   Any help would be great.. i know you can backup to disk then tape..but that is not an option in this environment

Level 6
Either manually or through policies set up DUPLICATE jobs, the first OVERWRITE and the rest APPEND, with your diffs as the sources

Level 2
I guess i am not really following what you mean, will i create a backup job and pull from the diff tape?...

Level 6
when you create the job, specify a type of "DUPLICATE" rather than Copy or Diff or Incr
By doing this you can restore directly from the output tape.  You can also duplicate B2D jobs to tape, like this.  And can restore directly from tape rather than having to restore to disk, then inventory/catgalog/restore user data