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Create custom report based on pre-defined "Policy jobs summary"

Level 3
As the topic indicated I want to create a custom report in the same way like the pre-defined report "Policy jobs summary" does, just with a grouping by the name of the policy and with the timeframe of the last 30 days (you could call it a monthly report of all jobs", however it seems I don't find the right field selection/filters combination when creating the custom report with the above mentioned pre-defined report in mind. Does anyone know or give me an example of which field selections/filters to use to create such a report. We have one CASE and several media servers. Each of the media servers has a sepearte media-set, backup device and runs first a B2D and after that B2T. First I want to group by location, then by date, so I end up with the status of the B2D and the B2T for each day.

Level 3

one more info: I basically get what I need selecting a few items, however my main problem is that it seems to list the single B2D files (B2D files are splitted into 40GB files in my case) each as 1 backup. Of course I want to list the whole job there, not single B2D files. Any ideas?