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Dedicated backup server

Level 3
I'm working with a new client who wants to use a file server as the backup server, but in the past I always deployed a dedicated backup server, which ran some flavor of Backup Exec.
what is "best practice" for implementing Backup Exec? should it reside on it's own box, or could/should it be deployed on a missoin critical production server?
Thank you.

Level 6
Don't know about "Best Practices", but like you I've always preferred to use a dedicated backup server, when the budget permits.  You don't even have to run ServerOS on it.  A hefty desktop will do fine.  And I prefer to use MSDE/SQLExpress on that machine rather than an instance on a MSSQL server for the database.
If you have to put the  media server on another server, a file server is the only way I'd go.  I would NOT put it on a database server of any kind.  I also prefer not to put the media server on a DC, only on a member server.

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 01-31-2008 08:57 AM

Level 5
I will second that- put it on a separate server!  3 main reasons:

1) Stability: If you have a issues with either the hardware (bad tape drives happen) or the software (many BE patches require reboots) you can perform this maintenance without affecting your production systems.  Wouldn't it be nice to have ONE system that can be worked on during the day?

2) Performance: BE is not a resource hog, but who wants to have users complaining that the file server is slow because you're running the BE database cleanup routines

3) And most important: Recovery!  In an all-in-one system, if your server tanks and you need to start from scratch- where are you going to get your catalog? Sure, you can read in the tapes- but at this point it's already 3am, your head hurts and everyone's yelling at you.  Feel like another 4 hours of that?   Much better to simply turn to your separate- probably unaffected- backup server, select the files from your intact catalog, and let 'er rip!  Go home, get a nap, and hope your tapes are good (which is why I always go disk- but that's another thread).

Level 4
I would agree to what Ken and Tom said. If your budget permitts, have Backup Exec on a standalone server. if not then involve a file server. Try not to use a DC or Exchange server, as it would be very tedious at times of a recovery.

Level 3
Thank you all. I knew i wasn't crazy for wanting a dedicated server for Backup Exec.
Thanks again.