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Does FastServiceStart key already work?

Level 4
Hi world,

I think my problem is pretty common but I couldn't find any solution in the past threads. After I installed BE 10 rev 5584 on a Win2k AS SP4, BE services were not able to start automatically after a server reboot, but when I did it manually it worked fine. I installed the 5520 revision but the problem continued.

I was thinking it could be a timing issue, so I looked into the Tech Notes and I found one (ID :257336) that gives me a solution (but only for NT4), I changed the FastServiceStart key value to 1 but after reboot the server, all services except BE server service started automatically, the BE server service hung up in starting mode....

please help, I've already tried a lot of solutions but any of them worked.

Level 6

It seems the services don't start after install of backup exec10.0. Do elaborate on the questions below:

1. Was this a fresh install or was it an upgrade?
2. Had the installation gone off well? Are you able to run the jobs etc.. after manually starting the services?
3. What account are the backup exec services running under? Ensure that they use the Administrator account. The service Remote agent for Windows servers should however be runing under local system account.
4. Do you get any errors when the services dont start? Also check for errors in the Windows event logs. If so, do mention those to better understand the problem.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
