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Duplicate Backup Sets

Level 3

"To duplicate backup sets following a job, the backup job must be scheduled to run and must not be associated with any other duplicate backup set jobs. Currently, there are no jobs that meet this criteria."

I'm trying to create a duplicate set of a full backup job, created by a policy that manages the full and diff backup-to-disk operations of a single selection list. Restated: one selection list used in one policy with two templates (full and diff), resulting in 2 jobs.

The full template is scheduled to run every 15 days. The diff runs daily, with a template rule to supersede the diff on days which the full runs.

There are no other selection lists, policies, templates or jobs on the media server.

I see the error quoted above when I highlight the full job in the top pane of the Job Setup, click "New job to duplicate backup sets" in the Task Pane, select "Duplicate backup sets following a job", and click OK.

Removing the template rule has no effect.

Can someone say what is causing this error?


Tim ==

Level 6

Are you backing up an existing job or a scheduled job? The option 'Duplicate backup sets following a job' is used to schedule a duplicate job of an existing scheduled job. Note that once duplicated, the same job cannot be duplicated again.
In case you want to duplicate an existing job, choose the option 'duplicate existing backup sets'.
For more information on this, refer to the following technote:

Title: How to duplicate backup sets in Backup Exec 9.x/10.0 for Windows Servers

Hope this helps. In case of doubts, write back to the forum with details.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3
Hello, Priya,

I am trying to schedule a recurring duplicate job of an existing, scheduled recurring job.

After my scheduled weekly full backup completes, I want to automatically copy that media to another device. I want this to reoccur every week.

Please continue to assist,

Tim ==

Level 3
4 days and no further reponse from Veritas? Sheesh.

Never mind, I've answered my own question.

How do I keep the Veritas agents from getting credit for me finding my own answer? Or do their metrics gain benefit from my work?

Level 2
Hi Timoty!

How did you solve this? I have same issue here.

regards, Magnus Finbom

Not applicable
Thanks for providing the solution for the rest of us that may encounter the exact same issue.  That is the point of these forums afterall...
It is almost as helpful as Veritas' habit of answering a question with 5 other questions.

So, how does one duplicate a job????  I get the same message Timothy was getting.  My environment:
-  1 Backup selection list
-  1 Backup policy: Full on Saturday, Incremental every weekday.
-  2 Backup jobs:  Once corresponds to the Saturday Full, the other corresponds to the weekday Incremental

I would like to duplicate the full set from my Saturday backup immediately following the completion of the full backup so I have one set of tapes on-site and one set of tapes off-site.  This is a requirement outlined to me by mgmt.

ANY help is appreciated.

Level 3

I also came across this issue. This was the resolution I came to realise.


If you have jobs created from Templates and Policys you cannot create a Duplicate Job. Instead you have to create a Duplicate Template within the policy you used to create that job. This will then create a second job of 'Job Type: Duplicate' (instead of Backup).


To do this go into the Properties of the existing Policy used to create the Backup Job you want to duplicate and create a new Template (using the New Template button).


When doing this you will be given three backup types to select from with the second one being "Duplicate Backup Sets Tempate". By choosing this option and completing the resulting dialog box another job is created which duplicates the backup sets created by that Policy.


Hope this helps someone. Its only taken me about a day of reading to figure it out!

