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End of Media

Level 2
Using BE for Windows 10 with Backup to disk folders.

I am getting the following error messasge on backup jobs:

Storage device "Daily_mail_sql" reported an error on a request to write data to media.
Error reported:
The physical end of the tape has been reached.
V-79-57344-34026 - End of media was reached.

I have the job configured to append/overwrite if no appendable media exists. I have 500 MB free on the disk (out of ~500GB of total space) the only thing on this disk are the backup files.

I have the folder configured to reserve 500 MB of space and I assume this is the issue, but shouldn't BE overwrite existing files instead of trying to create new ones?

Level 6

If the Overwrite protection period of the Media Set is set to infinite then a new bkf file will be created for each overwrite backup job. You may refer following technote:

What are the overwrite protection and append period settings for media set?

To isolate the cause of the issue create a new backup to disk folder and verify the result.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 2
The settings are as follows

Overwrite - 5 days
Append - Infinite
There are overwritable files in the folder. One additional piece of information. If I erase a few of the overwriteable backup files the backup job will run normally.

Thanks for the reply

Level 6

Check if you have also selected the Option ,
Overwrite recyclabe media before scratch media under Tools > Options > Media Management.

This should help.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as "assumed answered" and moving it to "answered questions" pool.

Level 2

I would like to continue this thread where it left off. I am having the identical problem.

My backup drive is hot swappable with 200GB disks with no limits set and only have Backup Exec backup files on them. Overwrite protection is 1 week and all currently on the disk are at least 3 weeks old and Backup Exec Media Location, Online Media reports all B2D files are Overwriteable. There is also one scratch file at 16K marked Overwriteabl and one FLDR000007 folder listed marked Infinite - Don't allow overwrite

The job begins to run, says it has copied 2MB, then fails. My current disk has 16K free space in Windows Explorer.

I know if I delete some of the files, or erase B2D files in Backup Exec media tab, the job will run fine. I need to be able to rely on the backup to run by itself, not have to delete files from the disk to make it run.

I have tried changing the registry settings per article

I have tried changing your setting "Overwrite recycleable before scratch"

It seems to me that Backup Exec program is writing so much to the disk that it doesn't have space to initialize the job.

Thank you for any help.

Level 2

It's been two weeks. I am still experiencing the same issues.

I am not experiencing a "enriched" support alternative as quoted on the Symantec Support page for Symantec Veritas Backup Exec for Windows Servers.

Any ideas out there?


Level 2
Are you able to help me? I have tried to work within the Symantec support framework for a product I purchased just a few months ago and I am finding Symantec support for Veritas very lacking.

I tried to continue this thread from its end but I am not getting any responses. I am without one of my backup drives while I try to get this resolved.

Thank you for any help.

CT Wales

Level 3
I'd reccommend starting a new thread. New posts to an old thread might not generate a "ticket" or whatever.