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Event ID: 1000 (Faulting application bengine.exe)

Level 2
I’m experiencing some problems after I updated from BE 9.1 to BE 10 even that I have installed all available updates to BE 10 and renamed the Catalogs folder (include restart of all BE services). According to Microsoft Component Checker very thing is all right.
It’s my feeling that the error occurs more and more often. Right after the upgrade the problem occur approximate ones a week. Now it’s almost very night.

Please help me!! I desperately need a solution for this issue!

The event log shows the following errors:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Application Error
Event Category: (100)
Event ID: 1000
Date: 8/22/2005
Time: 9:12:26 PM
User: N/A
Computer: ************
Faulting application bengine.exe, version 10.0.5520.15, faulting module msvcr71.dll, version 7.10.3052.4, fault address 0x00010428.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7034
Date: 8/22/2005
Time: 9:12:27 PM
User: N/A
Computer: *************
The Backup Exec Job Engine service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s).

Level 6

Follow the steps in the technote given below:

Title:Backup Exec Remote Agent service stops during a backup and a "Faulting application beremote.exe, version 9.1.4691.35, faulting module bedsnt5.dll, version 9.1.4691.20" error is logged in the Application event log.

If the issue persists, revert to the forums.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 6

Please let us know if the above technote has been useful.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2

Thanks for the reply. I wonder why I have to clear the selection of the folder \Windows\system32\Wbem?
I haven’t any problems with the Remote agent. But If I need to unselect \Windows\system32\Wbem in all my backup jobs will this influence on my disaster recovery when I’m not taken a fully backup?
As I describe earlier is the Backup Exec Job Engine service that terminated unexpectedly not the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows service