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Exchange CPS setup created so now what?

Level 4

I have setup an Exchange CPS backup to run (Full once a week and recovery points every 4 hours) but how are you supposed to make the backup to tape?
I have seen that some whitepapers says Duplicate to tape but how do you fetch the current  Exchange CPS backup job (Full)?
And how are you supposed to backup the server itself, make a copy of everything or copy/full of everything except IS or what?

Btw. I have set the "Media Set" to keep data for one day wouldn't that be okay with the aforementioned schedule?

Could really use a little guidance here :)

Level 3

I would first have to ask why would your want continuous protection to backup directly to tape?

Hope this is helpful and if you need further clarafication on any of the steps above or I have misunderstood something please don't hesitate to elaborate.  


Level 4
I don't - I want to copy the continuous full backup data to tape?
I have figured out how to use a policy for continuous backup but it seems to copy everything (including the log backup every four hours) - how do you make it only copy the full backup (once a week) to tape?

Still not sure how to protect the Exchange itself with this CPS backup running at the same time?

Level 3

sorry, i misunderstood your question, it happens ;-).

1. You would need two separate backup jobs one you would use to do a full backup of your system once or however often you like.

2. run an incremental backup that would capture any changes and use a schedule to your liking, usually anywhere from every 15 minutes to 4 hours, depending on your situation.

I would us an external TB usb disk to copy this data to and then configure another backup job to backup the usb disk to tape.

Let me know if this would work for you or makes since and then we can go from there.


Level 4
Hi, I am already backing up the Exchange server continuously with CPS using a policy and it makes a full backup and subsequent restore points to disk, which is fine!

BUT I would really like to know how you make it only duplicate the full backup and not all the restore points made the following days.
AND I would really like to know how you are supposed to protect the rest of the Exchange server with this CPS running at the same time.

Level 4

Level 4
Wow! I am almost speechless - Symantec suport has actually got worse since my last attempt to get some help from them.

Tried to call Enterprise Support. Was on hold for 1½ hour, transferred five (5!) times, asked the same questions (customer number, case number, what the problem was etc.) again and again but was just transferred and then to no avail.
Had to hang up because my day was over - actually thought till the end that I would get through to a technician...

If someone in here have some input please let me now because I am not going to call Symantec again tomorrow!