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Files skipped on remote server when backing up SQL 2000 using the sql agent

Level 3
I am trying to backup a remote server with SQL 2000 installed I can select the Database in the selection but when I run the backup it reports the file has been skipped. The error reported is db_not_found">Database \test database was not found, or could not be accessed. I have run the live update and reinstalled the remote agent but still I get the same problem.

Level 4
Not being flippant here.

You mention remote agent, but not the SQL Server agent. Just checking here: have you installed the Agent for SQL Server on the Backup Exec media server?

If not, in order for BE to protect an open/active SQL Server, you'll need to purchase this agent. Which by the way includes the remote agent.

Or are you trying to to use the open file option to protect SQL Server? That won't work either... as it is designed for file servers not database applications.

Level 6
Can you post the EXACT error message displayed please, as that looks like a "well it was something like..." rather than an exact copy of what you were given, and it really can make a difference.

Kevin, for the record, Mark did mention the SQL agent in the subject line.Message was edited by:
Keith Langmead

Level 3
I have installed the SQL agent option and remote agent. the backup runs and then reports files skipped. When you check the log file it shows the following

Database \master was not found, or could not be accessed.
Database \model was not found, or could not be accessed.
Database \msdb was not found, or could not be accessed.
Database \Northwind was not found, or could not be accessed.
Database \pubs was not found, or could not be accessed.

The item SERVER1.domain.local\master in use - skipped.
The item SERVER1.domain.local\model in use - skipped.
The item SERVER1.domain.local\msdb in use - skipped.
The item SERVER1.domain.local\Northwind in use - skipped.
The item SERVER1.domain.local\pubs in use - skipped.

I know these are the standard database's but even if I create a test Database I get the same error.

Level 4

Check your admin creditials in the Backup Tab, SQL Server (left nav bar) to the SQL database? But you see the db in your selection list...

Doh - Sorry about not seeing the reference to the sql agent.Message was edited by:
Kevin Mikalsen

Level 3
I have run a test job and it test the creditials and they pass, we are using the administrator account so it has access to everything. One other thing if these makes a difference the server I am backing up is running Windows 2003 x64 edition.

Level 3
I have the same error of Mark.

In the event viewer there is a 57755 event id.
On Symantec support I find it:

The SQL Server 2000 (32 bit) is installed on the same server of BE Server x64 (Windows 2003 x64).
I have a SQL Agent active on the BE Server x64.
Another SQL Server 2000 backup process on a different Server (Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit) work fine!

Thank You
AdrianoMessage was edited by:
Adriano Criscuolo

Level 4
So you have a SQL 2000 running on an Windows 2003 x64. Are you running the database natively or in 32-bit emmulation mode (WOW)?

Level 3
Sql Server 2000 32-bit.

In task manager I have:
sqlservr.exe *32



Level 3
In Task Man it just shows sqlserver but sqlmangr *32, Enterprise manager says Intel x86 SP4 standard Edition. Is their a way for confirm what version 32 or 64bit?

Level 4
Mark -

I'm assuming you're using BE 11d because you are in the 11d moderated forum. If you're running 10d or earlier, you may experience issues with cross-OS (32-bit and 64-bit) backup and recovery communications using BE.

if you are running both BE and SQL Server 2000 on an x64 machine, you are required to run SQL Sever 2000 Enterprise Edition.

Note: If you are running a 64-bit version of a Microsoft Windows Server? operating system, you need to use SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (64-bit). Visit the SQL Server 2000 (64-bit) System Requirements page for additional information.

Also - there is a service pack for SQL Server 2000 that may need to be applied:

FURTHERMORE: the Backup Exec 11d Software Compatibility List cites:

SQL 2000 is supported on Windows 2003 x64bit servers, with SQL 2000 SP4 and Microsoft Patch 904418 ( was edited by: Kevin M
Kevin Mikalsen

Level 3

also you have SQL 2000 on Windows Server 2003 x64?



Level 3
I have installed the post sp4 SQL 2000 hotfix and all work fine!

