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General Access Denied Error

Level 2
Help! All I want to do is create a Backup-to-disk folder but whenever I run the Backup to disk Wizard or use the File New option, I get the error "General Access Denied Error". In desparation I have set the default account to Administrator, I have confirmed that this account has full control over the folders concerned and I have confirmed that the credentials for the Backup Exec services match everything else. Everything is running under SBS 2003 and I'm trying to create the folder on a drive on the same server. I'm using Backup Exec 12 for Windows Servers.

Level 6
You will need to have a login profile that will allow you the rights to backup and copy the data. In backup to disk when you start a backup job make sure under Network....Login accounts you have a profile set up with rights to the place you are copying to. When you set the backup job under credentials select change and set it to the login profile with the proper rights.

Level 2
Under Network I have the Administrator account set as the default account. I can't start a backup job because there is not device and there is no device because I can't set one up due to the error described. Am I missing something?

Level 2
As far as I am aware I have exactly that. That's hat I was trying to say in my initial post.

Level 3
Is the folder shared?  If the folder is shared and you are trying to map the B2D folder to the share you will need to check the share permissions

Level 6
So now you have no device listed under "Devices" tab? if that is the case check your connections unplug and plug back in, check that you have Veritas drivers installed.

The error message "Unable to create new backup folder. Access denied" is returned when creating a backup-to-disk folder within Backup Exec for Windows Servers.

An error "Unable to create new backup folder. Access denied" is generated while creating a new backup to disk folder on a Windows 2003 /XP system.

Can you create new folder and share it and then try to create a backup to disk folder and check the results. This is for test purpose

Level 2

My situation is exactly as Hooper.  General Access Denied Error, using administrator as login to eliminate permission issues, the systems sees all devices, yet Backup Exec returns General Access Denied Error when one tries to add a Device or BackuptoDisk.

The suggestion submitted so far do not resolve the issue.

Level 2

I was able to resolve this when I looked at the Services. The Symantec Devices Media service was being logged in as a Local System account and the other Backup Exec service was logging in as admin. When I made them the same Backup Exec saw all the devices, successfully ran an inventory and I left today with it running a backup

Level 2
Thanks for all the suggestions but none have resolved my problem. I've tried setting up the backup to disk folder on the same drive and on a mapped drive on another PC. I've ensured that all the folders and shares have Full Control and read and write available for tha Administrator Group and I've checked that the Backup Exec and all its services are logged on using the Administrator account. That is correct chicojrman, I have no devices under the devices tab.
Can anyone suggest an alternative way for me to backup my Exchange mailboxes and Calendars, as I'm running out of ideas as far as Backup Exec is concerned.