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Getting removable B2D drive to map to same drive letter each time?

Level 3

I have three external USB drives that I use as a rotating set of removable Backup-to-Disk drives.   I have defined the B2D drive to be drive X:\ in the device pool.  I am running BUE 2010 R3 on Windows 2008 R2.

However, each time I rotate these drives weekly, the drive automatically gets remounted in Windows as the next available drive, after my local disks (i.e. drive E:).

Is there a way that can force Windows to recognize the drive and remount it back to drive X:\ each time I swap these external USB drives?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

How have you configured the B2D folders ? Have you configured them as per

Level 6

I have defined the B2D drive to be drive X:\ in the device pool.  I am running BUE 2010 R3 on Windows 2008 R2.

v2010 R2 made significant changes to the way that External Drives are mountd and recognized.  You should not need to mount to the same drive letter each time

Also, it as NEVER been recommended to rotate different physical drives on the same drive letter, tho many managed to get it to work

If you want to try, when the drive is connected and mounted as some other letter, try using Windows Drive Manager to assign the letter you want 

   VIP    Certified

Since you are using BE 2010 R2, there is no need to force your disk to use the same drive letter.  As Ken said, you should not.  If you want to rotate your disks, you should set them up using the procedure in my article