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How do I change the Service Account password for BU Exec?

Level 2
I have recently taken over System Administration duties after the last SA left abruptly and I need to change all passwords. I am new to Backup Exec. Daily backups are setup and I don't want to change backups right now since they are functioning fine. There is a separate Service Account for BU Exec. Does anyone know how after I change the Service Account password, I can tell BU Exec what that password is?

I would greatly appreciate any assistance anyone can offer. Thanks.

Level 6
For v7 and v8, you need to change the Account password, then go to the Services Applet and change the startup properties for all of the Backup Exec Services. Stop and start each (or run bestop and bestart) to verify that you made the changes correctly

Level 2
Ken, thanks for your help. I changed the password on the services account and then proceded as per your instructions and everything worked out fine. I can't tell you how much this has meant to me. Thanks again.

David Johnston