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How do i remove a disc storage ?

Level 6


i have a  disc storage i want to delete.

I deleted all backupsets and all jobs that used this disc storage.

I disabled the storage and tried to delete it, but BE complains, that there are some jobs still using this disc storage.

I tried to delete the job history, but now luck.

any idea?


Accepted Solutions

Not applicable

I had the same problem with Backup Exec 2012, but fixed after calling symantec support. First make sure that no backup jobs associated with the disk. second try the following command :

Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice -InputObject *storagename*

if the problem still found do the following :

1. install SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005. can found at :

2. Go to Backup Exec Main Menu => Configuration and Settings ==> Backup Exec Sevices ==> Stop all sevices

3. Go to windows services mmc and stop SQL Server Service.

4.  Go to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data and take a backup copy from "bedb_dat.mdf" and "bedb_dat.mdf" to another folder.

5. Go to windows services mmc and start SQL Server Service.

6. Open SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.

7. Connect to Backup Exec Server ==> Databases ==> BEDB ==> Tables ==> dbo.Device ==> right click and Open Table

8. Locate the row contains the problem Device and delete it.

9. Got to Backup Exec Main Menu => Configuration and Settings ==> Backup Exec Sevices ==> Start all services

10. Go to Storage Tab and wait the status of Server "Discovery" to be Online.

11. If any problem found Stop SQL Server Service and All Backup Exec Sevices and re-copy the "bedb_dat.mdf" and "bedb_dat.mdf" to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data and start SQL Server Service and all and All Backup Exec Sevices again.

View solution in original post


Employee Accredited

You can check if there are any jobs associated with that DiskStorage:

1. Go to Storage tab

2. Double-click on the DiskStorage

3. Select Jobs on the right side facet.

Delete the jobs if any and than attempt to delete the DiskStorage.



In fact, when you disable and attempt to delete a DiskStorage, Backup Exec 2012 will look for any jobs which may still be associated with the DiskStorage. If it finds any, you should see a 'Retarget Jobs' pop-up window which will tell you there are X no. of jobs targeted to the Disk Storage and you must select another storage location.

Level 6

There are no jobs present at all, all are moved to the new disc storage.

I checked the folder where the old disc storage was, and it has still some files (bkf , cfg, DR).

I am running an inventory on this disc, i will see if that will find some more data.

I had about 20-30 errors during deleting of the 1600 backup sets (about 16 times CTRL+A and delete some of the 1600 bakup sets).

Most of them complaining something about error {0].


Level 6


i know these popup windows, asking for retargeting the jobs.

First windows that will pop ...

Unable to delete the disk storage, ... You must select another target for these jobs ...

Nothing more than this pop, no retargeting job windows...

I  switched to the back and restore tab, open "all" jobs and search for the jobs using these disc storage.

No job uses this disc storage...




Level 4
Employee Accredited



Try using the BEMCLI.("C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\CLILauncher.exe")


Get-BEDiskStorageDevice (This command gets all of the disk storage devices)


Get-BEDiskStorageDevice "Device 0001" | Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice

(These commands remove a disk storage device named "Device 0001").




   VIP    Certified

Go to the BE installation directory and use BEUtility to repair the BEDB.

Level 3

I am having the same problems.

I have a disk that I want to remove, there are no jobs associated with it that I can find but I get the error 



Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice : Unable to delete the disk storage. The device (or
Backup Exec server) cannot be deleted because existing jobs or selection lists
remain.  You must select another target for these jobs or selection lists befor
e you can delete the device or Backup Exec server.
At line:1 char:61
+ Get-BEDiskStorageDevice "Lacie" | Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice <<<<
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Remove-BEDiskStorageDevic
   e], ManagementOperationFault
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ServerBusinessLogic,BackupExec.Management.CLI.Co

Level 2

I am running into the same problem  on one of our BEX 2012 servers.

B2D jobs started failing (space etc not an issue).

Can't delete the storage ...get Catastrophic failure.

I created as a test another store on another problem there. Except, I need to have the B2B store on the larger volume (the one where I get the catastrophic failure)


Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice -InputObject *storagename*


Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice : Unable to delete the disk storage. Catastrophic fa
At line:1 char:27
+ Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice <<<<  -InputObject *storagename*

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Remove-BEDiskStorageDevic
   e], ManagementOperationFault
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ServerBusinessLogic,BackupExec.Management.CLI.Co




Level 2

I am having the same problem. My disk which i want to delete was formated by error. There are no job associated with it. I get the following error:


Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice : Unable to delete the disk storage. Catastrophic failure
At line:1 char:78
+ Get-BEDiskStorageDevice "Stockage sur disque FC" | Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice <<<<
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice], ManagementOperationFault
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ServerBusinessLogic,BackupExec.Management.CLI.Commands.RemoveBEDiskStorageDeviceCommand

Not applicable

I had the same problem with Backup Exec 2012, but fixed after calling symantec support. First make sure that no backup jobs associated with the disk. second try the following command :

Remove-BEDiskStorageDevice -InputObject *storagename*

if the problem still found do the following :

1. install SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005. can found at :

2. Go to Backup Exec Main Menu => Configuration and Settings ==> Backup Exec Sevices ==> Stop all sevices

3. Go to windows services mmc and stop SQL Server Service.

4.  Go to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data and take a backup copy from "bedb_dat.mdf" and "bedb_dat.mdf" to another folder.

5. Go to windows services mmc and start SQL Server Service.

6. Open SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.

7. Connect to Backup Exec Server ==> Databases ==> BEDB ==> Tables ==> dbo.Device ==> right click and Open Table

8. Locate the row contains the problem Device and delete it.

9. Got to Backup Exec Main Menu => Configuration and Settings ==> Backup Exec Sevices ==> Start all services

10. Go to Storage Tab and wait the status of Server "Discovery" to be Online.

11. If any problem found Stop SQL Server Service and All Backup Exec Sevices and re-copy the "bedb_dat.mdf" and "bedb_dat.mdf" to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data and start SQL Server Service and all and All Backup Exec Sevices again.

Not applicable

Thanks You suggestion worked perfectly.

Not applicable

Excellent! Your solution was a success! M~

This solution also works in Windows 2008 R2 + Backup Exec 15 (Version 14.2 Rev 1180.3157).