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How to handle broken links

Level 5
When doing a full backup of the Linux server I get the following error file report

'The item \\server-fs1\[ROOT]/data1/abc/templates in use - skipped.
File data1/sabc/CVS/po/cyber/scripts/combTest.def,v was not found, or could not be accessed.
The item \\server-fs1\[ROOT]/data1/abc/CVS/po/cyber/scripts/combTest.def,v in use - skipped.'

'Completed status: Failed

Final error: 0xe00084ca - The data being read from the media is inconsistent.'


'An inconsistency was encountered on the storage media in Backup-to-Disk Folder 1 - server-fs1.
Verify completed on 08/04/2007 at 01:30:36.'

I've greatly shortened the full report, but there are thousands of skips files, after checking, it seems to be down to broken symbolic links on our file server (I've recently moved data from one file server to another), some of these links maybe obsolete but was hoping that there might be a qucik fix for this? Can I surpress/omit this from the report? Will this stop the error message with regards to the 'Failed' status?

The backup is to a disk folder, regards the last error message, I have reformatted the array more than once and completely rebuilt the array and still it reports an inconsistency - after quickly looking at restore all the data appear to be there.

Message Edited by mike brooker on 04-10-200709:55 AM


Level 5
Any one?

I sit possible to read in a csv file and use it as a exclude file/list for BE?