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How to setup one server as CMS&CPS server and a separate BE server?

Level 2
whats the setup procedure to enable a BE server to backup a CPS&CMS server?
Current setup: a CPS&CMS server is installed and configured, another server is installed and configured as a BE server.
Problem: not possible to see the option of "Continues Protection Server Node"; where it should be possible to see "Databases" and "Snapshots".
The only way to accomplish this at the moment is to install CPS&CMS and BE on the same server. But this is not what we would like.
Anyone got an answer to this?

Level 6
Employee Accredited
In your case since the CPS server is a remote server to Backup Exec then the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows must be install in the CPS server,  If Remote Agent was not installed with the original CPS installation, install it before creating backup and restore jobs with Backup Exec.

Sandra Rodriguez
Advanced Technical Support Engineer

Level 2
thanks for answering.
We solved it....the BackupExec server(not CPS or CMS) only had the demo license. When we added the retail license it all started to work. We could then see/select the CPS node to backup.
Thx anyway.

Message Edited by DJ72 on 07-05-200702:48 AM