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Installation failure of SP1 on BEWS 12.5 CAS server.

Level 4
Hi folks,
I've being doing a couple of installations in a CAS managed servers environment (2 managed media servers + 1 CAS centrally managing them) and come across the following error when I tried to install SP1 of BEWS 12.5 on my CAS server:

Backup Exec Alert: LiveUpdate Error
(Server: "P-RUEN") Update SP-1 failed to install. Review the Backup Exec installation log for more information.
For more information, click the following link:

I was amazed that this link didn't showed any results or KB articles that could help resolving the isse. I tried to perform a standalone installation on that particular but it pops up with the same error in the Event Viewer. I got also the install log and error message that pops up (see attached). That partucular server (P-RUEN) is used only for backup purpose and have one SQL instance that is running and another one that is stopped. Any help will be greatly appreciated


Accepted Solutions

Level 4
I made a deep log investigation and durring my review of bkupinst.htm I came across the following row:
05-11-2009,12:29:56 : V-225-136: The patch failed to install. Return code: 1603 ***To search for information about this error, click here. Following the suggested articles I found this one useful:
I found in the log files that in deed my MS SQL 2005 Express server is not configured to use Named pipes and that's why the Service Pack installer tries to install new instance. Anyway, I managed to install SP1 by renaming the file BEInstParams.prm as per above article. It wasnt form our client's Panda Security but thanks anyway for the tip Craig!

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited
I've seen McAfee cause issues if it's blocking the creation of temp files. Check that your antivirus isn't blocking files along these lines.
I disabled the online scanning temporarily, and it went through.
Otherwise, anything in the Event Viewer --> Application Log?

Level 4
That particular server uses Panda Security, but I'm not sure if Panda is configured to block applications create temp files. I'll double check this.

Level 4
I made a deep log investigation and durring my review of bkupinst.htm I came across the following row:
05-11-2009,12:29:56 : V-225-136: The patch failed to install. Return code: 1603 ***To search for information about this error, click here. Following the suggested articles I found this one useful:
I found in the log files that in deed my MS SQL 2005 Express server is not configured to use Named pipes and that's why the Service Pack installer tries to install new instance. Anyway, I managed to install SP1 by renaming the file BEInstParams.prm as per above article. It wasnt form our client's Panda Security but thanks anyway for the tip Craig!