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Installing Backup Exec 10 Advance File Open Option

Level 2
I have installed the serial for this option and it is still Xed out in the install screen. Am I doing something wrong? Right now when I do my backups 3 files don't get backed up bacuse they are open. So I purchased this serial numberand the install program does not let me install this option? Any help would be nice and aprechated.

Level 4
In the serial number entering screen, you were entered the serial number for Backup Exec server. In the same screen, you also need to enter the SN for AOFO.
After the correct SN entered, the AOFO components will be automatically unlocked and selected in next screen.

Level 2
I have typed in the serial number and added it and it says AOFO beside it after it was entered but there is still a red X and I can't change it.

Level 4
Sorry! I've no idea then.

Level 6
When you enter the serial number for AOFO does it get added under the Existing serial number?

If yes, then it should automatically make the AOFO option selected, " idealy speaking".

Incase it still shows res x. Then try these steps:

Note:First Remove the AOFO serial number .

1) Repair Backupexec:
Repairing VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.x for Windows Servers

2) Once repair is done, Go to tools--serial number and installation ----insert the AOFO license number and check oout the result.