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Limitation du nombre de version

Level 4


Je suis entrain d'installer au seins de mon entreprise un serveur qui servira a la sauvegarde sur bande de données d'autre serveur mais celle solution devant être une solution a long terme je souhaiterais limiter le nombre de version d'un fichier..
Par exemble si il y a 6 version d'un fichier qui sont sauvegarder, la versino numéro 1 (donc la plus ancienne) serais supprimer.

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses :)


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

The path is necessary depending upon the type of exclusion you provide.

For egs, if I want to exclude *.tmp from all backups, I do not need to specify the path. I just type in *.tmp under "Name" and the exclusion is added.



Level 4

Sans titre.png

In this screen shot when i have specify a path i can apply this exclusion.Sans titre2.png

In this second screen when i don't specify a path i can't clic ok OK

And i don't understand why ..


It's good if in the path i specify *.* ?

Level 4

That's good i have take the test and when i specify "*.*" in the path he apply the exclusion on the all file save in the data! :)

Thank's you so much for you'r answer for my question, if y have an other question i post this in.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

*.* means excluding all files. If no path is specified, it means no files to backup at all. This is considered a valid exclude and which is why in this case, the path has to be specified.

Level 4

I have a little question i have a problem when i connect a new serveur on BE i have an error (WMI), but if i install manualy the agent on the serveur and after i connect the server the server was connected successfully and i don't understand. Why when i connect the serveur without agent i have this bug and when i connect a serveur who have an agent install that's good

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

For a push install, WMI needs to be enabled. Most likely, there are some config issues which prevented the push install and hence, local install completed successfully.

Secondly, to backup a remote server, the agent must be installed.


Level 4

If i take the install of the agent on local and after connect the server is no different as when BE install the agent on the serveur ?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

No difference. When doing a local install, just remembed to right-click the server and choose "Establish Trust". The push install does this part automatically.