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Low Disk Space on Removable B2D Folder

Level 6

Hi Guys,

I have a site that is running Backup Exec 11d with USB Hard Drives as external Storage Devices. I configured 1 Removable B2D folder (I know its not the correct way but since i am running an old version i don't think i have a choice). It has been running fine for the past 6 months with no issues.

All of a sudden the Removable B2D folder keeps on saying Low Disk Space. There was a 1GB reserve policy in place but have removed that and it still comes up. When i inventory the drive all of the IMG files come up as "Infinite - Done Allow Overwrite", but believe this may a consequence when running a inventory on the drive?

Any ideas as to why the media is not overwriting properly?




   VIP    Certified

 I configured 1 Removable B2D folder (I know its not the correct way but since i am running an old version i don't think i have a choice).

You definitely have a choice to define it as a normal B2D folder.

You should check the media set that the files belong to and correct the OPP so that they can be overwritten.  That said, I believe that for older versions of BE, there are times when the .img files do not get overwritten as they should.

Level 6

PKH is correct.  v11d still had the problem of IMG foldlers not being re-used when past the OPP.  This was finally fixed in v12.0, I believe

That said, once the disk physically fills up, the older IMG folders should be over-written/reused

Level 6

Thanks for your response guys.

I can confirm that the OPP is set correctly. What i did notice though is that when i run an inventory on the drive all of the IMG files are in the media set "Backup Exec and Windows NT Backup Media" I think this is where my problem lies.

What i might just do is run a pre backup command that formats the hard disk.....

   VIP    Certified

Backup Exec and Windows NT Backup Media set is meant for imported media.  This means that your .img files are somehow deleted from BE.  When you inventory the drive, they are "discovered" and imported.

Before you format your drive, make sure that you have deleted the media from BE. Otherwise, there would be inconsistencies.

Level 6

yes your right! I have got IMG Files on the hard drive but they are not listed under the media set.

But i don't know how the IMG files have been deleted from the Media set...

   VIP    Certified

That is why they are not re-used.  BE does not know about them.  You should clean up the disk, i.e. delete any .img that is not needed and start afresh.

Level 6

Thanks phk, i think that might be my only option. I really wish the client would just upgrade to 2010 R3, all of my other sites don't have this problem :)