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Media Automatically Ejects

Level 3

i am having issues with the tape automatically ejecting as soon as the media tries to overwrite? I need the media to append then overwrite.

my media set should do this but something is telling it differently?

For example:

Every night i backup 375gb of data on a 400gb tape.

The tape backs up the first 25gb of data until it should overwrite. and then ejects and asks for a new tape.

My media set is set to the follow settings:

Overwrite protection period:

1 Hours

Append Period:

Infinite - Allow Append


Employee Accredited Certified

Any specific reason for 1st appending data and then overwriting ?

At the end of the data you are overwriting the tape.

Configure the jobs to overwrite instead of append it will fix your issue. 

Level 3

I thought the append then overwrite was best to keep as much data on the tape as possible? is this not the best idea?

So do i change the overwrite with no append in the media set? or is this done on the job itself?

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Because there is data appended to the tape, the tape cannot be overwritten untill the complete overwrite protection period has passed.


You change the job into overwrite media.

Employee Accredited Certified

Append else overwrite option is good if you are using multiple tapes for backup

but since you are using only 1 tape that too with 1 hour of overwrite protection then

I would suggest you to select "overwrite" when the job begins.

Level 3

ok thanks, will turn off the append in that case.

and that should stop the tape eject?

Employee Accredited Certified

Try the above option and then post the results here.

Employee Accredited Certified

I suspect they key thing you are missing is that if a job starts as an Append and then fills the remaining space on the tape - you have to overwrite the next tape - you cannot append to the next tape so it was probably writing some data until it filled the tape and then asked for a second overwritable tape to continue.


As such either start as an overwrite so your job fits on one tape or make sure that as well as the appendable tape you are trying to fill there are overwritable media available for when the initial appendable tape fills up.

Oh and BTW we don't recpmmend letting a system keep appending infinitely as this generates an infinitely large media family which can cause problems. A new media family is created when a job starts with an overwrite (either because it was setup as an Overwrite job or because it was set to Append and use overwrite if no appendable - and there was no appendable when the job started)


Level 3

hi and thanks for all the help.

turning off the append and just allowing the overwrite has resolved the issue and the backup has run 2 since to different media without any issues.

Thanks for all your help

Level 6

Hi Kenzil


Thanks for the update please mark one of the solution & so that we can close the thread


Thanks for update again