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My BackupExec Server was disjoined then joined to other domain.

Level 3
Hi All,

Hope I can hear answer from you expert people. I'm very new to Veritas, actually I used it for just a year. My scenario is this:

I have Veritas 10.0 installed in a Windows 2000 Server + SP4 and with SQL2000 joined in the domain (its name is After a year I made an attempt to transfer APPS server from domain to the newly configured Windows Server 2003 Ent Ed + SP1 domain. I actually forgot to backup everything from policies, medias, etc from the previous system. Now my APPS is working under domain it is now still Veritas 10.0 is installed and configured properly. All Monthly Backup was archived in a tape LTO 100/200GB. My question is:

1. How can I see the contents of the previous monthly backup let say I have FULL Monthly backup of May 2006, when I load the tape and Inventory the slot, all I can see as the Media Label is LTO000001, etc. Eventhough I Label that media as HP Monthly FULL Backup May 2006.

How can I see now my previous successful backup from my previous successful setup of my Veritas BackupExec 10.0.

PS> My Product is VERITAS BackupExec 10.0 for Windows Server.

Hope to receive response soonest.

Best regards,
DariusManabatMessage was edited by:
Darius Manabat

Level 6
Have you tried inventoring and cataloging the tapes?
If you have relabled the Tapes, and run a backup job on the same tape, it could be that your old data has been overwritten and gone.
Please get back to us with more detailed Information if the above is not true.


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 3

Yes I tried cataloging the tapes however, it took a lt of time, and when it's done, the media looks like this LTO00001, etc.

Level 6
Try re-installing BackupExec.

I haven't run into this situation on v10 yet, but with v7 and v8, Veritas wrote the domain name into several places in the registry. Rather that directly editing the registry and trying to get them all, a re-install was faster and safer.

Level 3

I went into that situation, I reinstall completely the BackupExec, however, I've got the same problem. I'm just wondering how about my previous apes and backup before I joined that server to the new domain. Was all my tapes backed up prior to that setting will be trash? I hope it wont. When I Inventory my tapes, as I've said the media label goes like LTO00001, etc, but I labeled it such as HP Daily Differential Backup Mon-Tue. But now, it goes like above.

And when I cataloging the tapes, it took a very loooooooong job.

Level 6

Could you check under the Restore selection if you see your old Backup sets there?
- You will not see what data has been backedup under the Devices or the Media Tab.
you will have to either run a report on the tape or check under the restore selections if you can see that.


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 6
When you did the uninstall/reinstall, did you select the option to retain local settings, or did you completely wipe BackupExec?

And yes, cataloging a tape with lots of data can take a Looooong time.

Level 6
Hi Darius,

Please update us if the suggestions provided by Ken have helped you in resolving the issue.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Hello Ken,

Thanks to your reply, I'm sorry I'm in a couple of meetings that's why I am not able to reply. Anyways, when I uninstall then install again BackupExec, I backed up the settings, however I found difficulties when restoring it. Because of this, I didn't bother to restore the setting, medias, jobs, etc. I create a new one.

Now with this NEW setup, schedules, jobs, medias, etc. I am unable to check the contents of the previous jobs, and restore the contents. Even I Inventory, Catalogng (which is too looooooooong) it failed.

Thanks and regards,

Level 6
Hi Darius,

Since you have disjoined the domain where you had installed Backup Exec and joined to another domain we cannot guarantee if everything would work fine.

But still you could try these steps:

Hope it helps!