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NAS device (linksys file server)

Level 2
I am using BE 9.1 on a Windows 2000 based domain.
I recently added a Linksys 60 gig file server that I need to back up. The jobs all fail with the message:

Final error: 0xa000fe29 - Authentication failed on connection to the server.

I created an administrator account in BE that matches the user name and password of the admin account for the Linksys server. I also created an administrator account on my domain with the same user name and password.

I tried logging in to BE with that account and usoing a user defined selection- no joy
I tried using a "user defined selection" and assigning the user credentials for the Linksys admin account. No joy
I can't backup the files as a part of my windows defined selection, as remote agent can't be installed on the Linksys file server.

I really need to have these files backed up....
any suggestions?

Level 6
If memory serves me correctly the BE account needs to be a member of the domain admins group. Assuming that your fileserver is a member of the domain. Then again if you have a seperate account on the file server you should be albe to backup via userdefined shares. The account needs to be added to the logon accounts within BE though.

A van der Boom

Level 6
Hi Phill!

Verify if Backup Exec Remote Agent For Windows Servers service is running under local system account .

You may also need to check all of your BackupExec login accounts (in BE, Network->Logon Accounts) and reset each of their passwords to what they should
be for your servers.

Thanks and regards,

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Level 2
Remote agent cannot be run on the Linksys device. Remote agent is running on the PC I am working from.

The admin account for the Linksys device is a domain admin account also. It is also listed as an account in BE.

I will check passwords first - I am not sure the password in BE for the Linksys admin aacoount is correct. I also cannot back up folders that my login account has access rights to.

I will try to post details of accounts here.. maybe someone has a magic decoder ring.. I lost mine!


Level 2
OK here is the latest:
1. I set the password for my Linksys admin account to xxxxxx (No, I'm not gonna tell you what it is)
2. I created an account on my domain.
Username admin
Password xxxxxx (same as the Linksys account password
3. I created an account for Backup exec (it's a restricted account)
Username domain/admin
Password xxxxxx (same as the Linksys account password
4. I creasted a second account on Backup exec
Username linksys/admin
Password xxxxxx (same as the Linksys admin password

I tried logging into BE with the admin account. A backup of the linksys server with the domain/admin account fails - error a000fe29

I tried setting the resource credentials to linksys/admin. The job faisl with the same error.

Obviously I am doing something wrong.. I have no clue what tho.

Can someone help me out please?


Level 6

Please run the sgmon.

How to create SGMON.LOG

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