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NAS drives as backup target.

Level 2
When I back up to a NAS device we bought when our tape drive failed (3rd time in a year, and NOT worth spending the ~$600 to repair/replace it). I get a error on Verifying the data (the backup itself seems to work).

Reading the technical documents it seems I bought the NAS drives before realizing that they are incompatible with Backup Exec. (documents 247059, and 276811).

(Netgear SC101's, they show up as a drive letter on the media server, but not FAT, FAT32, or NTFS format).

What I'm looking at doing. .

1> Adding either an inexpensive PC or a Windows based NAS device to be the destination for a Backup to Disk folder.

2> Running a script post job that copies the backup folder to the NAS device.

3> The NAS devices (3 of them) are what are cycled in and out. (keeping one off site at all times).

I'm hoping this will work and get around Backup Exec's pickyness as to the backup to disk destination.

My biggest question/concern. Will storing the backup to disk files on a non FAT, FAT32, or NTFS volume actually damage them, or just when Backup Exec is actively trying to use them?

Level 2

Level 6

Please create the Backup-to-Disk folder using an UNC path. You may refer to following technote:

You can create a backup-to-disk folder in any location where you can write a file, such as:
- NTFS partitions (local or remote)
- Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices
- DFS shares
- FAT/FAT32 partitions (local or remote)
- VERITAS Volume Manager partitions
- RAID drives with any configuration
- Mapped drives
- NFS volumes

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