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Netware agent

Level 3

  I have a BEWS 12.5d backup server with a 1.5 TB disk pool for backing up my 18 netware file servers. I have one particular netware file server running Netware 6 SP7 OS with the Netware agent installed on the server. The throughput of this particular server is very slow compare to my other file server. I have an average of 18MB/min on this server. I have check the switches settings and make sure there is no ethernet errors but I still have that poor perfornance. I have 10 mips WAN link to the site and have 100 mips link between the server and the router. I am wondering if anybody can share some experience with me on how to debug the problem and improve the thruput.


Level 6

is this the only Server that you connect to over the WAN?  BackupExec was never designed to do this, and it's response to connectivity errors is minimal at best

Level 3
No, I have 16 servers that is backup over the WAN link. Three of the remote sites have the smilar settings but they have thruput over 100MB/min except this site. Any other suggestion?


Employee Accredited
If you look at each volume on this server - what is the performance for each volume? In other words, is there one particular volume that is very slow compared to the others?

What are you backing up on this server - GroupWise etc ?